Client has been rate limited

I am using pi-hole since quite a while, as far as I can see w/o real issues. It runs in a LXC on Proxmox.

Since a few days there are more and more outages on my WIFI where some clientsare loosing their connection. Most prominent the internet radio and a surveillance cam which made me aware about the issue. Connections are re established after a couple of seconds most of the time, sometimes it takes minutes.
On my way to trace these problems down I came across the pi-hole message saying several clients have been rete limited. Before I increase or even disable the rate limitation I'd like to understand if my overall DNS config is OK or if I screwed things up.
Interestingly I wasn't able to identify the IP V6 clients using wireshark. Will let it trace over night now.

any help and hint appreciated

Debug Token:

Perhaps this thread can provide clues while you're waiting for tricorder analysis:

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It is not uncommon for clients to make significantly more DNS queries during (or shortly after) an internet outage.

You can increase the rate limit, but the underlying cause is loss of internet connectivity.

Here is an example of how busy one of my Pi-holes became last week when our internet was out for a half day:

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@jfb @Blockhead very good point, txs guys. So it might be the other way round, maybe not the WIFI or a client is the issue, it is the internet connectivity goes bad first, then the clients becoming busy as you explained.
So I'll setup the trace to monitor three things now, internet connectivity from router to provider, WIFI client accessing a LAN server, another WIFI Client accessing Internet and a LAN client connecting to the internet too. Might give me a better clue IF I have a WIFI issue or an Internet connectivity problem.

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