Client has been rate-limited for at least 3217188 seconds

Every time a client gets rate limited, the warning message on the diagnosis site states a very high limitation period (of several days converted).

At the same time, FTP.log shows a period of just 31 seconds.

Debug token: rYozhVNu

Interesting. This looks like an integer conversion issue.

I tried to rate limit my own client and both loggings are the same (18 seconds).

I tried to reproduce this locally but failed:

Everything looks fine over here - this makes it a bit harder to debug this. Nonetheless, I tried my best to prevent any possible type conversations by reducing the overall number of variable casts which is probably what is causing this for you.

Could you please try whether the issue is fixed after

sudo pihole checkout ftl fix/turnaround


The fix works.


The fix has been merged. Please go back using

sudo pihole checkout ftl development