Changing Conditional Forwarding in config file

My pihole settings are a bit special, so it refuses to load the dns server in settings/dns.

I want to try out the Conditional Forwarding function, but because the dns server doesn't load and all boxes are empty I can't save it.

Could somebody post the lines that I need for conditional forwarding and what config file (I suspect dnsmasq.d/01-pihole) to put it in?
I found this, but I'm not sure what exactly I have to put in the config.


create something like /etc/dnsmasq.d/02-custom.conf
put there (adjusted to your needs)



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Thanks, that worked.

Additionally I figured out that I could've just put the locally running dns in the custom dns field. Now I can use the dns settings again lol

The tutorial here puts the dns server in the dnsmasq config, but not in setupVars, therefor not making it appear in the settings. I'll try to get them to change it.

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