Changes to group management don't purge FTL cache

I've noticed that changes to Adlist and Domain assignments to groups don't always work as expected. New queries from new clients will work as expected, however it appears FTL caches replies to specific clients and these don't get purged when making changes.

For example, I assigned a blacklisted domain to specific group where a host had already successfully resolved the domain before it was blocked for the group. Hosts that hadn't already resolved the host were met with the expected NXDOMAIN reply. However, the host that had already resolved the domain before it was assigned to the group continued to receive a cached reply from the pihole. A 'pihole restartdns' was required for the host that had already resolved the domain to start receiving the expected NXDDOMAIN.

Hope that made sense.

NOT sure this is the solution.

The group management documentation clearly says:

Don't forget to run
pihole restartdns reload-lists
after your database modifications to have FTL flush it's internal domain-blocking cache (separate from the DNS cache).

So it seems the signal telling FTL to reread the group configuration is not always sent. I will check this.

edit Should be fixed by

This should finally be fixed now in the beta code. Thanks for your patience!