Changed Pihole to Development Branch now I´m on Version 5?


i have changed the Pihole Branch to Development and Web and Core Version went back to 5.21 and 5.18 ?!?

That´s the Output of Version:

Version is v5.18.3-523-g8e5ac2db (Latest: null)
Branch is development
Hash is 8e5ac2db (Latest: 8e5ac2db)
Version is v5.21-984-gae728a16 (Latest: null)
Branch is development
Hash is ae728a16 (Latest: ae728a16)
Version is vDev-e558f79 (Latest: null)
Branch is development
Hash is e558f798 (Latest: e558f798)

Everything is fine. You're on the development branch. Unless we tag a new version, it will always show

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Ah ok thanks :sweat_smile:

You're not the only one that fell for this. :wink: