Can't update pihole


I'm on Raspbian Stretch, RPI 3B+.

I installed Pihole there is 3 months, and I saw there isi an update last week, but I can't install it, FTL error :

[i] FTL Checks...
[i] Downloading and Installing FTL...curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found
[✗] Downloading and Installing FTL
Error: URL not found

I tried your solution :

pihole - d
sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf
changed to
pihole -r

but :

[i] Resetting repository within /var/www/html/admin... Unable to reset /var/www/html/admin, exiting installer

Can you help me please ?

Thank you.

Please follow the below template, it will help us to help you!

Expected Behaviour:

[Replace this text with what you think should be happening]

Actual Behaviour:

[replace this text with what is actually happening]

Debug Token:

[Replace this text with the debug token provided from running pihole -d (or running the debug script through the web interface]

Please generate and upload a debug log, and post the token here.

pihole -d

or do it through the Web interface:

How do I upload this report ? I'm very novice on Linux AND Raspbian.

Edit : I found finally.

But, when I tried to upload the file, it say that new users can't.

But I have this code :

[✓] Your debug token is: 7307wmyb3r

Can you help me please ?

Can you share the outuput of

df -h

and also try updating your stretch (sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade)

Try running an update after that and if you still get an error, share the output of:

sudo bash -x /etc/.pihole/automated\ install/

This is the output of df -h :

Sys. de fichiers Taille Utilisé Dispo Uti% Monté sur
/dev/root           30G    7,9G   21G  29% /
devtmpfs           460M       0  460M   0% /dev
tmpfs              464M       0  464M   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs              464M     18M  446M   4% /run
tmpfs              5,0M    4,0K  5,0M   1% /run/lock
tmpfs              464M       0  464M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/mmcblk0p1      43M     22M   21M  52% /boot
tmpfs               93M       0   93M   0% /run/user/999
tmpfs               93M    4,0K   93M   1% /run/user/1000

For sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade, i do it regularly, and the last time was this morning.

Tried to update pihole :

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ pihole -up
  [i] Checking for updates...
  [i] Pi-hole Core:	up to date
  [i] FTL:		update available

  [i] FTL out of date

  [i] FTL Checks...
  [i] Downloading and Installing FTL...curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found
  [✗] Downloading and Installing FTL
  Error: URL not found

When i try your last line of command (sudo bash -x /etc/.pihole/automated\ install/

+ echo -e '\n  Error: Could not update local repository. Contact support.'

  Error: Could not update local repository. Contact support.
+ exit 1

Can you share the full output of the command ?

And whats output for below one ?

sudo apt update

No 404 errors ?

No 404 errors after sudo apt update.

The full output :

sudo bash -x /etc/.pihole/automated\ install/ set -e

+ installLogLoc=/etc/pihole/install.log
+ setupVars=/etc/pihole/setupVars.conf
+ lighttpdConfig=/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
+ coltable=/opt/pihole/COL_TABLE
+ webInterfaceGitUrl=
+ webInterfaceDir=/var/www/html/admin
+ piholeGitUrl=
+ PI_HOLE_LOCAL_REPO=/etc/.pihole
+ PI_HOLE_FILES=(chronometer list piholeDebug piholeLogFlush setupLCD update version gravity uninstall webpage)
+ PI_HOLE_INSTALL_DIR=/opt/pihole
+ PI_HOLE_CONFIG_DIR=/etc/pihole
+ useUpdateVars=false
+ adlistFile=/etc/pihole/adlists.list
+ regexFile=/etc/pihole/regex.list
+ '[' -z root ']'
++ stty size
+ screen_size='24 80'
++ awk '{print $1}'
++ echo '24 80'
+ rows=24
++ echo '24 80'
++ awk '{print $2}'
+ columns=80
+ r=12
+ c=40
+ r=20
+ c=70
+ skipSpaceCheck=false
+ reconfigure=false
+ runUnattended=false
+ [[ -f /opt/pihole/COL_TABLE ]]
+ source /opt/pihole/COL_TABLE
++ [[ -t 1 ]]
+++ tput colors
++ [[ 8 -ge 8 ]]
++ COL_BOLD=''
++ COL_NC=''
++ COL_GRAY=''
++ COL_RED=''
++ COL_BLUE=''
++ COL_CYAN=''
++ TICK='[✓]'
++ CROSS='[✗]'
++ INFO='[i]'
++ QST='[?]'
++ DONE=' done!'
++ OVER='\r'
+ counter=0
+ [[ '' != true ]]
+ main
+ local 'str=Root user check'
+ echo ''

+ [[ 0 -eq 0 ]]
+ echo -e '  [✓] Root user check'
  [✓] Root user check
+ show_ascii_berry
+ echo -e '
         :cccclll:.      ..,,
          :ccccclll.   ;ooodc
           '\''ccll:;ll .oooodc
                 .. '\'','\''.
        .........  ....  .........
        ..........      ..........
        ..........      ..........
        .........  ....  .........

         :cccclll:.      ..,,
          :ccccclll.   ;ooodc
           'ccll:;ll .oooodc
                 .. ','.
        .........  ....  .........
        ..........      ..........
        ..........      ..........
        .........  ....  .........

+ make_temporary_log
++ mktemp /tmp/pihole_temp.XXXXXX
+ TEMPLOG=/tmp/pihole_temp.8QfKNo
+ exec
+ rm /tmp/pihole_temp.8QfKNo
+ distro_check
+ command -v apt-get
+ PKG_MANAGER=apt-get
+ UPDATE_PKG_CACHE='apt-get update'
+ PKG_INSTALL=(${PKG_MANAGER} --yes --no-install-recommends install)
+ PKG_COUNT='apt-get -s -o Debug::NoLocking=true upgrade | grep -c ^Inst || true'
+ apt-get install --dry-run iproute2
+ iproute_pkg=iproute2
+ command -v php
++ head -n1
++ grep -Po '(?<=PHP )[^ ]+'
++ php -v
+ phpInsVersion=7.0.30-0+deb9u1
+ echo -e '  [i] Existing PHP installation detected : PHP version 7.0.30-0+deb9u1'
  [i] Existing PHP installation detected : PHP version 7.0.30-0+deb9u1
++ echo 7.0.30-0+deb9u1
++ cut -d. -f1
+ phpInsMajor=7
++ echo 7.0.30-0+deb9u1
++ cut -d. -f2
+ phpInsMinor=0
++ echo '7.0 < 7.0'
++ bc
+ '[' 0 == 0 ']'
+ phpInsNewer=true
+ [[ true != true ]]
+ phpVer=php7.0
+ apt-get install --dry-run php7.0-sqlite3
+ phpSqlite=sqlite3
+ INSTALLER_DEPS=(apt-utils dialog debconf dhcpcd5 git ${iproute_pkg} whiptail)
+ PIHOLE_DEPS=(bc cron curl dnsutils iputils-ping lsof netcat psmisc sudo unzip wget idn2 sqlite3 libcap2-bin dns-root-data resolvconf)
+ PIHOLE_WEB_DEPS=(lighttpd ${phpVer}-common ${phpVer}-cgi ${phpVer}-${phpSqlite})
+ LIGHTTPD_USER=www-data
+ LIGHTTPD_CFG=lighttpd.conf.debian
+ [[ -f /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf ]]
+ [[ false == true ]]
+ update_dialogs
+ [[ false = true ]]
+ opt1a=Update
+ opt1b='This will retain existing settings.'
+ strAdd='You will be updated to the latest version.'
+ opt2a=Reconfigure
+ opt2b='This will reset your Pi-hole and allow you to enter new settings.'
++ whiptail --title 'Existing Install Detected!' --menu '\n\nWe have detected an existing install.\n\nPlease choose from the following options: \n(You will be updated to the latest version.)' 20 70 2 Update 'This will retain existing settings.' Reconfigure 'This will reset your Pi-hole and allow you to enter new settings.'
+ UpdateCmd=Update
+ case ${UpdateCmd} in
+ echo -e '  [i] Update option selected'
  [i] Update option selected
+ useUpdateVars=true
+ [[ false == true ]]
+ verifyFreeDiskSpace
+ local 'str=Disk space check'
+ local required_free_kilobytes=51200
+ local existing_free_kilobytes
++ df -Pk
++ grep -m1 '\/$'
++ awk '{print $4}'
+ existing_free_kilobytes=21014332
+ [[ 21014332 =~ ^([0-9])+$ ]]
+ [[ 21014332 -lt 51200 ]]
+ echo -e '  [✓] Disk space check'
  [✓] Disk space check
+ update_package_cache
+ local 'str=Update local cache of available packages'
+ echo ''

+ echo -ne '  [i] Update local cache of available packages...'
  [i] Update local cache of available packages...+ eval 'apt-get update'
+ echo -e '\r  [✓] Update local cache of available packages'
  [✓] Update local cache of available packages
+ notify_package_updates_available
+ local 'str=Checking apt-get for upgraded packages'
+ echo -ne '\n  [i] Checking apt-get for upgraded packages...'

  [i] Checking apt-get for upgraded packages...++ eval 'apt-get -s -o Debug::NoLocking=true upgrade | grep -c ^Inst || true'
+++ apt-get -s -o Debug::NoLocking=true upgrade
+++ grep -c '^Inst'
+++ true
+ updatesToInstall=0
++ uname -r
+ [[ -d /lib/modules/4.14.70-v7+ ]]
+ [[ 0 -eq 0 ]]
+ echo -e '\r  [✓] Checking apt-get for upgraded packages... up to date!'
  [✓] Checking apt-get for upgraded packages... up to date!
+ echo ''

+ install_dependent_packages 'INSTALLER_DEPS[@]'
+ counter=1
+ [[ 1 == 1 ]]
+ echo -e '  [i] Installer Dependency checks...'
  [i] Installer Dependency checks...
+ argArray1=("${!1}")
+ declare -a argArray1
+ declare -a installArray
+ command -v debconf-apt-progress
+ for i in "${argArray1[@]}"
+ echo -ne '  [i] Checking for apt-utils...'
  [i] Checking for apt-utils...+ dpkg-query -W '-f=${Status}' apt-utils
+ grep 'ok installed'
+ echo -e '\r  [✓] Checking for apt-utils'
  [✓] Checking for apt-utils
+ for i in "${argArray1[@]}"
+ echo -ne '  [i] Checking for dialog...'
  [i] Checking for dialog...+ dpkg-query -W '-f=${Status}' dialog
+ grep 'ok installed'
+ echo -e '\r  [✓] Checking for dialog'
  [✓] Checking for dialog
+ for i in "${argArray1[@]}"
+ echo -ne '  [i] Checking for debconf...'
  [i] Checking for debconf...+ dpkg-query -W '-f=${Status}' debconf
+ grep 'ok installed'
+ echo -e '\r  [✓] Checking for debconf'
  [✓] Checking for debconf
+ for i in "${argArray1[@]}"
+ echo -ne '  [i] Checking for dhcpcd5...'
  [i] Checking for dhcpcd5...+ dpkg-query -W '-f=${Status}' dhcpcd5
+ grep 'ok installed'
+ echo -e '\r  [✓] Checking for dhcpcd5'
  [✓] Checking for dhcpcd5
+ for i in "${argArray1[@]}"
+ echo -ne '  [i] Checking for git...'
  [i] Checking for git...+ dpkg-query -W '-f=${Status}' git
+ grep 'ok installed'
+ echo -e '\r  [✓] Checking for git'
  [✓] Checking for git
+ for i in "${argArray1[@]}"
+ echo -ne '  [i] Checking for iproute2...'
  [i] Checking for iproute2...+ dpkg-query -W '-f=${Status}' iproute2
+ grep 'ok installed'
+ echo -e '\r  [✓] Checking for iproute2'
  [✓] Checking for iproute2
+ for i in "${argArray1[@]}"
+ echo -ne '  [i] Checking for whiptail...'
  [i] Checking for whiptail...+ dpkg-query -W '-f=${Status}' whiptail
+ grep 'ok installed'
+ echo -e '\r  [✓] Checking for whiptail'
  [✓] Checking for whiptail
+ [[ 0 -gt 0 ]]
+ echo ''

+ return 0
+ checkSelinux
+ command -v getenforce
+ [[ true == false ]]
+ source /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf
++ IPV6_ADDRESS=2a01:cb05:85f6:d000:4316:a822:e5d5:1f8b
++ WEBPASSWORD=c3b1672f2b22138130c44334dff0b3ca09e83b952c0e01561112bb5c0d4d6d06
+ clone_or_update_repos
+ [[ false == true ]]
+ getGitFiles /etc/.pihole
+ local directory=/etc/.pihole
+ local remoteRepo=
+ local 'str=Check for existing repository in /etc/.pihole'
+ echo -ne '  [i] Check for existing repository in /etc/.pihole...'
  [i] Check for existing repository in /etc/.pihole...+ is_repo /etc/.pihole
+ local directory=/etc/.pihole
+ local curdir
+ local rc
+ curdir=/home/pi
+ [[ -d /etc/.pihole ]]
+ cd /etc/.pihole
+ git status --short
+ cd /home/pi
+ return 0
+ echo -e '\r  [✓] Check for existing repository in /etc/.pihole'
  [✓] Check for existing repository in /etc/.pihole
+ update_repo /etc/.pihole
+ local directory=/etc/.pihole
+ local curdir
+ local 'str=Update repo in /etc/.pihole'
+ curdir=/home/pi
+ cd /etc/.pihole
+ echo -ne '  [i] Update repo in /etc/.pihole...'
  [i] Update repo in /etc/.pihole...+ git stash --all --quiet
+ git clean --quiet --force -d
+ git pull --quiet
+ echo -e '\r  [✓] Update repo in /etc/.pihole'
  [✓] Update repo in /etc/.pihole
+ cd /home/pi
+ return 0
+ echo ''

+ return 0
+ [[ true == true ]]
+ getGitFiles /var/www/html/admin
+ local directory=/var/www/html/admin
+ local remoteRepo=
+ local 'str=Check for existing repository in /var/www/html/admin'
+ echo -ne '  [i] Check for existing repository in /var/www/html/admin...'
  [i] Check for existing repository in /var/www/html/admin...+ is_repo /var/www/html/admin
+ local directory=/var/www/html/admin
+ local curdir
+ local rc
+ curdir=/home/pi
+ [[ -d /var/www/html/admin ]]
+ cd /var/www/html/admin
+ git status --short
+ cd /home/pi
+ return 0
+ echo -e '\r  [✓] Check for existing repository in /var/www/html/admin'
  [✓] Check for existing repository in /var/www/html/admin
+ update_repo /var/www/html/admin
+ local directory=/var/www/html/admin
+ local curdir
+ local 'str=Update repo in /var/www/html/admin'
+ curdir=/home/pi
+ cd /var/www/html/admin
+ echo -ne '  [i] Update repo in /var/www/html/admin...'
  [i] Update repo in /var/www/html/admin...+ git stash --all --quiet
+ git clean --quiet --force -d
+ git pull --quiet
+ return 1
+ echo -e '\n  Error: Could not update local repository. Contact support.'

  Error: Could not update local repository. Contact support.
+ exit 1

Help me please.

There was a similar issue resolved with thee instructions:

Give them a go :wink:

Tried this commands, but :

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo rm /var/www/html/admin
rm: impossible de supprimer '/var/www/html/admin': is a folder
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo rm /var/www/html/admin
rm: impossible de supprimer '/var/www/html/admin': is a folder
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo git clone /var/www/html/admin
fatal: le chemin de destination '/var/www/html/admin' existe déjà et n'est pas un répertoire vide.
pi@raspberrypi:~ $

For information, i have NEVER installed any theme or mod to my Raspbian, only Vivaldi Browser and PiHole. And I do every raspbian updates every weeks.

use sudo rm /var/www/html/admin/ and after that sudo git clone /var/www/html/admin

Tried, but :

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo rm /var/www/html/admin/
rm: can't delete '/var/www/html/admin/': is a folder
pi@raspberrypi:~ $

one more: :slight_smile:
sudo rm -rf /var/www/html/admin/

This time is the good one, it worked. Sorry for my bad english, but I'm French.

All seems work. Tried pihole -r, Enter on "update", and now, the intallation finished without problems.

VERY thank you, A LOT.

Glad it's working for you. And, your English is fine. I'm American, and my French is really terrible...

Thank you for all, REALLY.

But what is the real difference between the previous version and the new one ?