Can't update FTL on pihole -up: Network is unreachable

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Static hostname: PI-Hole
Transient hostname: ctl
Icon name: computer
Machine ID: 25178e7efdaf467fb96ed453828f9812
Boot ID: b33e53609038400f9c3eaef88577cc03
Operating System: Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
Kernel: Linux 5.10.103-v7l+
Architecture: arm

On typing pihole -up

I get the following
[i] Checking for updates...
fatal: unable to access 'GitHub - pi-hole/pi-hole: A black hole for Internet advertisements': Failed to connect to port 443: Network is unreachable
[i] Pi-hole Core: up to date
fatal: unable to access 'GitHub - pi-hole/web: Pi-hole Dashboard for stats and more': Failed to connect to port 443: Network is unreachable
[i] Web Interface: up to date
[i] FTL: update available

[i] FTL out of date, it will be updated by the installer.
[i] Downloading and Installing FTL...curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 443: Network is unreachable
[✗] Downloading and Installing FTL
Error: URL not found
[✗] FTL Engine not installed

Unable to complete update, please contact Pi-hole Support

Expected Behaviour:

[Replace this text with what you think should be happening. Please include as much detail as possible including, but not limited to:
-operating system

Actual Behaviour:

[replace this text with what is actually happening]

Debug Token:

[Replace this text with the debug token provided from running pihole -d (or running the debug script through the web interface]

A post was split to a new topic: Couldn't connect to server ( on pihole -up

Any more details or context? Are these setups which have worked okay and today aren't working? Can other computers reach GitHub? Can you ping it? Do you have an IP address? etc

This would indicate that the machine running your Pi-hole cannot reach public Internet addresses.

Run from that machine, what's the output of ip route?

A post was merged into an existing topic: 'Couldn't connect to server' ( on pihole -up

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