Can't update from 3.2.1 to latest version

Expected Behaviour:

pihole -up updates pihole

Actual Behaviour:

Well... I did update dnsmasq manually like described here: Install a more recent dnsmasq on Raspbian Jessie
( I had 2.72, and now i have 2.76)

But now running pihole -up returns:

    pi@raspberrypi:/etc/.pihole $ pihole -up
  [i] Checking for updates...
fatal: HEAD does not point to a branch

  Error: Remote revision could not be obtained, please contact Pi-hole Support
  Additional debugging output:
HEAD detached at v3.2.1
nothing to commit, working directory clean

Debug Token:


Run these commands:

cd /etc/.pihole && sudo git checkout master
cd /var/www/html/admin && sudo git checkout master
pihole -up
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Can it be this?

git fetch --all
git reset --hard origin/master

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That will reset the web admin local repository to an exact clone, as long as you haven't made any customization changes then that should get you back to working. Something pulled you out of sync. With the updated version of dnsmasq on your system you should be safe to set things back to how they should be.

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This helped me out, thank you very much!

The result:

Really appreciate this community, thanks!


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