Can't Disable PiHole from web admin using iPad

I'm running pihole version 2.11.1. I can use the /admin client from my Windows PC to Enable/Disable pihole. When I change the status, I can immediately see the change on my iPad running 9.3.5.

However, if I try to enable or disable from the iPad, there is no response. If I select "disable for 5 minutes", the /admin console just sits there with no response. I've tried both Chrome and Safari...but same behaviour on both.

Any thoughts?

I'm not sure if anyone from the development team has an Apple iPad device at hand. I have quite a hard time trying to find an emulation online, because most of them just show you a reduced version of the page rendered using your desktop browser (e.g. Firefox) and hence cannot be used for debugging iOS issues.

I'm still looking around but if you know something that could help, it might speed things up.

Are you testing on two iPads, and one iOS version doesn't work? I know of an iPad I might be able to borrow for some testing.

No. I'm just using a single iPad. iOS version as per my original post. If it helps, my pihole is running web interface version 2.3.1.

From the iPad the following does not work:

  • Tools > Update Lists > then launch Update Lists.
  • Disable functions

From the iPad, the following works fine:

  • The Whitelisting and Blacklisting Buttons.
  • Settings > Restart System
  • All the actions in Query log work fine

Everything works fine on Chrome on the PC

After testing this on an iPad Mini (the only one I have available to test) I can't replicate your issue. Both Update Lists and the disable functions work.

We are also looking into getting a virtual device to reproduce your issue. You said

iPad running 9.3.5

I have no idea about Apple devices, but there seem to be devices called

  • iPad Air
  • iPad Air 2
  • iPad Mini
  • iPad Mini 2
  • iPad Mini 3
  • iPad Mini 4
  • iPad Pro
  • iPad 2
  • iPad 3rd

but nothing like a "plain" iPad. Could you provide further information on which device you are using?

I can help with this. I'll check later on when I get home.

I'm using an iPad Air 2. I've tried a second iPad Air 2 running the same OS version. Same problem.

Don't laugh too loudly...but I just tried a non- Android BlackBerry. It seems the same behaviour exists there. So the issue is not iPad specific.

The only common thing between the two iPads and the BlackBerry is that they're on the same wifi network. On the Pihole web interface, do "disable" and "tools" use a different protocol than "whitelist" and "blacklist"? I'm wondering if the wifi router is blocking a network protocol that's used by "disable" and "tools".

Thanks! I hope to get the :apple: emulator running soon. Meanwhile, @telekrmor might already be able to reproduce.

No, everything is pure HTTP.

Is tail log working for you?

I was never able to replicate the issue. @Johnd what's the status?

The apple emulator is running. I have tested an iPad Air iOS 9.3 and enabling/disabling worked as intended.

I have tried this several times over and cannot replicate. Have you adjusted any of the Safari settings from the default?