None of these methods work for me to pull up the web interface, I am only able to pull up the web interface from the pi itself. Any other computer on the network gets Connection Timeout when trying to browse to http://<IP_ADDPRESS_OF_YOUR_PI_HOLE>/admin/
. However I am able to ping and ssh into the pihole fine. My network devices have my router as the DNS server, and the router has the pihole set as the primary static DNS. Any ideas?
Run pihole -d
for a debug token. Make sure you don't have any firewall or iptables settings interfering.
Thanks for the fast reply! Debug token is!
There are no firewall rules set for the pi server
disregard! I had no firewall rule on my network devices or router for the pi, however I forgot that a while ago I had installed UFW on the pihole itself and that was blocking 80. Thanks for the help!
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