Can't access Web Admin Interface After Install

Hey all, I just installed pi-hole to my raspberry pi 3b. Unfortunately I can't access the web admin interface. Here is the token, below:

I chose to set it up through wlan

More specifically, the admin interface times out.

I would appreciate any assistance!

What URL are you using to access the web interface?

Did you try http://pi.hole/admin or ?

Huh, so is now working but http://pi.hole/admin is not. Weird. Anyway, I'm trying to manually forward each device to go through the pihole(I'd rather do it this way), but it's not working on my galaxy s23 phone. I'm assuming the host name is the hostname available at the top right of the admin panel, but when I enter it into the private DNS field in the conenction settings, I get "router_name has no internet access. Private DNS server cannot be accessed". errrr

Enter the IP address of your Pi-hole into your phone's DNS settings, or let your router's DHCP server give out the IP address, once you have configured your DHCP server to do so.