Cannot understand why this host is blocked

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Expected Behaviour:

Running Pi-hole v5.2.4, Web Interface v5.3.2, FTL v5.6 on a Raspberry Pi 4 running Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)"

The Pi is connected to my local network. I have created a DNS A record for my domain, mapping the hostname "pi" to (the IP address assigned to said Pi).

This should allow me to access the Pi, and specifically Pi-hole, by using the hostname instead of the IP address.

Actual Behaviour:

It doesn't allow me to access the Pi via the hostname, ONLY the IP address. When I try to use the hostname, I get the following error: "Access to the following website has been denied: This is primarily due to being flagged as Not found on any Blacklist."

Um, yeah, it's NOT on a blacklist, so it's being blocked because it's NOT on a blacklist?! That makes no sense whatsoever!

Furthermore, it mentions asking the administrator of the Pi-hole on this network to have it whitelisted; well, that's ME, so I enter it into the whitelist. I added my entire domain, using a wildcard to include all subdomains.

I know the change took because now the error message is "Manually Blacklisted by Wildcard". Um, NO, it's explicitly WHITELISTED by wildcard. WTF?

OK, get rid of that whitelist entry, and just add the domain, no wildcard; now I'm back to the original error.

Whitelisting just that subdomain (""): now I don't get any reason, just a message saying "access to the following website has been denied:". No reason is given as to why it's blocked.

Using the IP address to access the admin interface works flawlessly. (And yes, the hostname DOES resolve to the correct and appropriate IP address in question.)

Debug Token:

Any help on this will be greatly appreciated!

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I should note that I created the DNS A record NOT from within Pi-hole "Local DNS Records", but at my domain registrar where all my other entries are managed.

What you are seeing is the behavior of the 404 page of the web admin page. If you try to directly access the page without the trailing admin with a domain other than pi.hole, you get the 404 page.

Only http://pi.hole will automatically redirect to the admin page. If you use anything other than pi.hole then you'll need to go directly to http://<custom>/admin/.
This is a security feature to prevent someone external to your network being able to access the admin page.

Ah-HA! Thank you for the most excellent explanation!

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