Cannot mount Openhabian shares anymore since Pi Hole install

Please follow the below template, it will help us to help you!

Expected Behaviour:

Still able to mount a share from the same system where Pi Hole is installed

Actual Behaviour:

I installed Pi hole on my RPi 3 running openhabian and Openhab2. Pi hole works. Openhab2 works. I can access the admin page, I can access the main page of Openhab (port 8080), log file (port 9001) but I can't mount the openhab share on my macbook anymore.
Finder tells me the following address cannot be reached:

Google didn't help...

Debug Token:

Edit below file:

sudo nano /etc/hosts

Add below line at bottom substituting <OPENHAB_IP_ADDRESS> with actual IP address:

<OPENHAB_IP_ADDRESS> openhab.local openhab


pihole restartdns reload

And test:

host openhab.local

host openhab

I did exactly what you wrote but when typing openhab.local in browser I get this:
Open Source Ad Blocker Designed for Raspberry Pi



Monday 11:00 AM, March 16th. Pi-hole v4.4-0-g9e49077 (openhab/xxx::Xxxxxx::xxx::xxx)

And shares are still not mountable.

So your saying you could mount the share before installing Pi-hole but not after ?

On the Mac, can it resolve that openhab.local name to the correct IP ?

nslookup openhab.local

And on the Mac, can you connect to port 445 for the share:

telnet openhab.local 445

On the Pi-hole host, is the SMB daemon listening on port 445:

sudo netstat -nltup | grep 'Proto\|:53 \|:67 \|:80 \|:445 \|:471[1-8] '

And on Pi-hole, can you connect to that port:

nc -vz openhab.local 445

On the mac:

nslookup gives:

** server can't find openhab.local: NXDOMAIN

Telnet gives this:
Trying xxxxx:xxxxxx::xxxxxxxx...
telnet: connect to address xxxxx:xxxxxx::xxxxxxxx: Connection refused
telnet: connect to address Connection refused
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host

On the host:

Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 673/pihole-FTL
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 632/lighttpd
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 673/pihole-FTL
tcp6 0 0 ::1:4711 :::* LISTEN 673/pihole-FTL
tcp6 0 0 :::80 :::* LISTEN 632/lighttpd
tcp6 0 0 :::53 :::* LISTEN 673/pihole-FTL
udp 0 0* 673/pihole-FTL
udp6 0 0 :::53 :::* 673/pihole-FTL

and nc -vz openhab.local 445 gives:

nc: connect to openhab.local port 445 (tcp) failed: Connection refused

and yes, the mounts existed until the very moment I installed Pihole!

From netstat output, there is no daemon listening on SMB port 445.
If that share is suppose to be part of the "openhabian" distro, better luck at their support forums as Pi-hole should not conflict with SMB (uses different ports ... see netstat for all of them).

EDIT: ow and from below, I can see the Mac is using for DNS resolution (most likely your router) and not the Pi-hole IP address.

thanks for the quick answer! I'll leave feedback in case I can solve the problem.

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Yes, I just changed the DNS address on the router. I didn’t touch dns on any clients. Is that a problem?

Where on the router did you change DNS (paste screenshot) ?
Below the proper way using DHCP:

I put it in DNS server sheet in the internet access register from my Fritzbox.

That way the clients will query the router first for DNS.
The router forwards the DNS query to Pi-hole that will forwards queries to upstream configured DNS servers.
This way all queries seem to appear coming from the router.
So you wont see individual stats on the Pi-hole web GUI.
Try search here on discourse how folks configure their FritzBox to push the Pi-hole IP address as a DNS server to the clients using DHCP.

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I found another way(a bit hidden) how to manage ipv4 addresses....

It says local DNS server...
I put in the Pihole ip....

That looks better.
To validate the clients wil get just one DNS server assigned (the Pi-hole address), you can test with nmap:

EDIT: ow and when push via DHCP, better default below setting again or you'll risk a DNS loop:

So after having read half of the internet, I solved my problem!!!
Short version: Samba service was missing...I fixed it by reinstalling Samba.

Long version: the command mount showed my shares mounted. There's even a config in openhabian which installs and configuers the samba shares. I did that, logs still showed shares mounted, but I never managed to restart samba...because it's missing.
The background is that I wanted to run Pihole in a docker container. I couldn't install Docker (or make it run) so I tried 100000 things and installed and uninstalled plenty of stuff...Probably Samba has been uninstalled somewhere then.

Thanks alot, deHakkelar! Everything runs fine now!!

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