Cannot install V6

I've installed a Ubuntu 22.04 @Hyper V. After installing V5 as "default" I wanted to update to V6.

While curl -sSL | bash already says, my OS version is not supported, I've skipped it with the | sudo PIHOLE_SKIP_OS_CHECK=true bash

Then I entered pihole checkout core development-v6 and it told me "Retrieval of supported OS list failed. dig failed with return code 9.
Unable to determine if the detected OS (Ubuntu 22.04) is supported.

My firewall blocks nothing and I get with dig -t txt the ANSWER:
"Raspbian=10,11,12 Ubuntu=20,22,23 Debian=10,11,12 Fedora=36,37,38 CentOS=8,9".

Error: Unable to complete update, please contact support

Adding PIHOLE_SKIP_OS_CHECK=true again works not.

Here is a screenshot:

I run Ubuntu 22.04 on Hyper-V, so the OS isn't the issue. Can you verify the Ubuntu setup has access to the Internet and is using something other than Pi-hole for DNS?

Are you saying you received this answer on the machine where you installed Pi-hole or this is on a different machine?

The Ubuntu vm has access to the internet. I can surf and receive any new packages.

Yes the dig request and answer is from the Ubuntu vm pihole 5 is installed fresh and as default.
I was starting the same on a fresh installed debian vm with the same issue.

Maybe there is anything broken or buggy with the virtual hyper v switch. I will test on another machine‘s virtualisation and internet provider :sweat_smile:

Did you already find the time to do so?

yes it works on another machine. it looks like my hyper-v doing any crazy things.