Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
I used the quickstart from https://github.com/pi-hole/docker-pi-hole. The container says its healthy. I did not change anything in the yml file. I got the ip for pihole using docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' pihole. I have not changed the DNS in the router because using http://<IP_ADDPRESS_OF_YOUR_PI_HOLE>/admin/ is supposed to work without changing the DNS: How do I access Pi-hole's Dashboard admin interface?
Expected Behaviour:
Be able to enter the pihole web interface
Actual Behaviour:
Timeout when using pihole ip, and This site can’t be reached when using http://pi.hole
I used docker compose up -d with the yml file in the github:
# More info at https://github.com/pi-hole/docker-pi-hole/ and https://docs.pi-hole.net/
container_name: pihole
image: pihole/pihole:latest
# For DHCP it is recommended to remove these ports and instead add: network_mode: "host"
- "53:53/tcp"
- "53:53/udp"
- "67:67/udp" # Only required if you are using Pi-hole as your DHCP server
- "80:80/tcp"
TZ: 'America/Chicago'
# WEBPASSWORD: 'set a secure password here or it will be random'
# Volumes store your data between container upgrades
- './etc-pihole:/etc/pihole'
- './etc-dnsmasq.d:/etc/dnsmasq.d'
# https://github.com/pi-hole/docker-pi-hole#note-on-capabilities
- NET_ADMIN # Required if you are using Pi-hole as your DHCP server, else not needed
restart: unless-stopped
This worked, thank you. For anyone else looking at this I also added a password enviroment variable, probably doesn't affect this issue, but adding just in case.