Can´t Install "This image isn't supported" on windows 10

I don't know what to do or install first. Please help

It says:
"Due to a known issue with Docker and libseccomp <2.5, you may run into issues running 2022.04 and later on host systems with an older version of libseccomp2 (Such as Debian/Raspbian buster or Ubuntu 20.04, and maybe CentOS 7)."

It do not says windows 10... and i search about libseccomp for windows 10 but i can't find how to update. :grin:

What hardware is running your Windows 10 installation?

And what site did you try to source that image from?

Hi, its a I3 6100 with 12gb ram
The image is from docker search:

That search seems to be initiated via Docker Desktop for Windows.

Perhaps you did configure your Docker Desktop to run Windows containers only, or the search is limited to match only Windows containers?

Man! you are right!!! i swiched to linux container (i did not know about it) and now i have another problem, but i'm happy to begin goin on, thanks:

My new problem:
I'm trying to install a new linux distro but was erased the microsoft store from my widows 10
i will try to update

Those issues are specific to Docker Desktop for Windows, rather than Pi-hole.

I'll just add that Docker on Windows comes with quite some limitations when compared to Docker on Linux.

For more knowledgable support, you should consider to consult forums specialising in Docker Desktop for Windows. :wink:

Thanks a lot.
i just update the linux subsystem
