Ça ne marche pas

Bonjour à tous,

J'ai installé PiHole sur une RPi 3+B.

J'ai ajouté pas mal de listes que j'ai trouvé pour la plupart sur ce forum. Mes Adlists sont dans le fichier ci-joint
adlist.json.txt (4.9 KB)

et ça ne bloque rien... même si dans le dashboard montre quelques "blocages"... en tous cas ça marche 10mil fois moins bien que AdBlockPlus sur chrome.
Example : Uniquement avec PiHole / uniquement avec ABP

Et je suis bien sur que la PiHole marchait, j'ai même essayé 2 façons :

  1. en ajoutant le DNS directement sur 1 ordinateur.
  2. j'ai desactivé le DHCP de la Box (bouygues Fast5330b-r1) et j'ai l'ai activé sur la PiHole sur une plage diferente pour m'assurer que c'était bien la Pi qui donnait les IP et c'était le cas, et le DNS semblait être le bon (vu depuis Win10)

Vert : IP de l'ordinateur, dans la plage donné à la Pi (101:200) et en dehors de la plage de la box (1:100)
Bleu : IP de la box
Rouge : IP statique donné à la Pi

Sur le téléphone portable (android) pareil, toujours des pubs d'aliexpress et etc... sur des applis comme : Resize Me! ; Video Compressor Panda ; et LeBonCoin

Juste pour info, ma box ne me laisse pas changer le DNS, donc, si j'arrive à faire marcher la PiHole, je la mettrai comme serveur DHCP.

Auriez-vous un idée ?
Merci !

P.S. j'ai aussi fait :
pihole -up
pihole -g (fait aussi depuis l'interface web plusieurs fois)
pihole restartdns

Please post the token generated by

pihole -d

or do it through the Web interface:

Tools > Generate Debug Log

Hi jfb here it is

Debug log removed by moderator and made private.

I edited your reply to remove the debug log you provided. We ask for the token only - this limits the visibility of your log to a handful on the Pi-hole team, and the log auto-expires from our server in 48 hours.

Posting the token only protects your privacy.

Your debug log shows that Pi-hole is receiving and blocking DNS queries per your block lists.

   [2020-10-08 16:27:51.614 566M] Imported 812 queries from the long-term database
   [2020-10-08 16:27:51.614 566M]  -> Total DNS queries: 812
   [2020-10-08 16:27:51.614 566M]  -> Cached DNS queries: 33
   [2020-10-08 16:27:51.615 566M]  -> Forwarded DNS queries: 505
   [2020-10-08 16:27:51.615 566M]  -> Blocked DNS queries: 272
   [2020-10-08 16:27:51.615 566M]  -> Unknown DNS queries: 2
   [2020-10-08 16:27:51.615 566M]  -> Unique domains: 82
   [2020-10-08 16:27:51.615 566M]  -> Unique clients: 6
   [2020-10-08 16:27:51.615 566M]  -> Known forward destinations: 2

If you are seeing ads, there are several possibilities:

(1) the ads are served from the same domains as the content and cannot be blocked with a domain blocker (i.e. Pi-hole)

(2) the client is not using Pi-hole for any (or all) of it's DNS queries

(3) a browser may have private DNS (or DNS over https) enabled, and DNS traffic from that client is not going through Pi-hole.

(4) a client is using a VPN service and the DNS traffic isn't going to Pi-hole

(5) the router is providing an alternate DNS to clients via IPv6

Android devices tend to find Google servers for DNS.

If you have a PC or laptop where you are seeing ads, please do the following:

From the command prompt or terminal on that client (and not via ssh or Putty to the Pi), what is the output of

nslookup pi.hole

nslookup flurry.com

C:\Users\Jorge MARTINEZ>nslookup pi.hole
Serveur :   bbox.lan
Address:  2001:861:53c1:ae40:3a35:fbff:fed7:4e7c

*** bbox.lan ne parvient pas à trouver pi.hole : Non-existent domain

C:\Users\Jorge MARTINEZ>nslookup flurry.com
Serveur :   raspberrypi

Nom :    flurry.com
Addresses:  ::

This client is not using Pi-hole for DNS. It is likely using an IPv6 DNS from your ISP.

ok... so should I disable IPv6?

and, somehow the number of Queries Blocked continues to increase... slowly....

So I guess the problem is that the RPi is not compatible to IPv6...
would a ZeroW + ethernet adapter allow me to create a IPv6 DNS with PiHole ?

That is an easy fix.

Pi's are compatible with IPv6 and this should be completely independent of the network interface in use.

test 1>> I disable IPv6 on Windows...
On Chrome, nothing changes.
On Firefox, it seems to be blocking it

test 2>> add PiHole IPv6 address as DNS on windows config
same results

C:\Users\Jorge MARTINEZ>nslookup pi.hole
Serveur : raspberrypi
Address: 2001:861:53c1:ae40:fabb:9b60:7671:f5b9

Nom : pi.hole
Addresses: 2001:861:53c1:ae40:fabb:9b60:7671:f5b9

still.... what could be the solution for android devices?
is it possible to disable IPv6 on android ?

aaaand, I cannot connect to my modem router any longer.... :expressionless:

just a brief update.
I bought an Asus router, so all the trafic now passes trough it, and now pi-hole seems to be working fine.
the ISP router/modem seems to be too restrictive.... [bouygues telecom - France]

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