Brand New to RaspBerry Pi and Pi-Hole...Need Help

Expected Behaviour:
_pi hole installed on Raspberry Pi 4 on Raspbian 10 with 8GB RAM

Actual Behaviour:
_after following the steps from "" and having to use the Alternate method #2 from github, I run the install and I receive the following error:

"Retrieval of supported OS list failed. dig failed with return code 10.
Unable to determine if the detected OS (Raspbian 10) is supported"

I then run code according to the fresh install instructions:
curl -sSL | PIHOLE_SKIP_OS_CHECK=true sudo -E bash

this then returns: curl (6) Could not resolve host:

I do not have access to the internet (WiFi) anymore broadly.

Debug Token:

_IDK what this means

Edit the nameserver line in your resolv.conf to nameserver or your preferred third party DNS service, save and exit

sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf

Then retry running Pi-hole's installation.

The installer also needs to be able to do below DNS lookup:

dig +short -t txt

If above one fails, your router is most likely blocking DNS as part of some router security feature.

pi@ph5:~ $ dig +short -t txt
"Raspbian=9,10 Ubuntu=16,18,20 Debian=9,10 Fedora=31,32 CentOS=7,8"

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