Blocklist Clear

Hello my Blocklist is clear and i cant open some websites, i had a clear installation of rasbian and pi hole but i cant open ...

What does the Pihole query log show for this domain? Did it block the requests?

where can i check it, i clear every list so normaly it cant block something ... thahts stupid or not ?

Okay Pi-holed (wildcard) but why it dosnt showed into the Domain on Blocklist ?

THanks but how can i clear everything out of the list, beacuse the Blacklist is Clear and the Dashboard show it to me, that nothing will block

Please generate a debug log, upload it and post the token here so we can take a look at your configuration.

[✓] Your debug token is: nspdedbw52

What is the output of cat /etc/pihole/regex.list

i dont know where can i check it ?
I always recommended clicking on the installation

Run that command from the terminal on the Pi-Hole host platform.

wich command the installer ?

Not the installer. In Linux, there is a command line terminal, and this is where you type the command.

When you installed Pi-Hole, you ran an installation script in the terminal. The command I sent you in the reply should be put in the same terminal.

cat /etc/pihole/regex.list This into the Terminal.
I deleted the contents of the lists from the folder


Was there anything in that file or was there no output from that command?

this files are clear

What is the output of this command: ls -la /etc/pihole

What is the output of this command: sudo grep mangarock /var/log/pihole.log

match in binary file next error the appears only as a white box

Edit match in binary file (

I thought the problem was with a mangarock domain. Please post a screen shot of what you are seeing after you run the terminal command.