Blocking Stopped

Please follow the below template, it will help us to help you!

Please ensure that you are running the latest version of the beta code.
Run pihole -up to update to the latest, then verify that the problem still exists before reporting it.

Problem with Beta 5.0:
I do not believe I changed anything but when I woke up yesterday I noticed that nothing is being blocked. From looking at the debug log blocking is disabled in FTL. I have update the OS, updated pihole, and ran pihole -r in repair mode. This only occurred on one of the three pis I have running.

Debug Token:

Is there any way /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf could have been edited? The file contains an invalid character.


The trailing slash is breaking things.

Note related to this problem, but you have two IP addresses assigned to the WLAN0 interface:

*** [ DIAGNOSING ]: Networking
[✓] IPv4 address(es) bound to the wlan0 interface: matches the IP found in /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf does not match the IP found in /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf (

I did not edit it but removing the invalid character did fix it.


This is intentional. I have been running multiple pi's using a high availability script using the keepalived package. The second IP is virtual. I am planning to remove it and when I remove the third pi from use. And just run the two pi zero w's I have as primary and secondary DNS. With the addition of the new database scheme I have just been copying the entire database from one pi to the others when I make a change instead of using the gravity sync script. I have not found any negative effects of copying the database yet.

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