The DNS request bypasses the pihole and it sends the request to the upstream server.
The DNS request on the pihole won't cache, thus sending it upstream to next pihole and it does the same thing at random times.
The DNS request on the pihole sends the request upstream even though its cached.
The DNS request bypasses the pihole quire log info page in admin.
After a Reboot of all devices all the issues were less frequent.
It seems to be a more a Windows 11 issue because I still have some adds on spotify.
First port of call: A Raspberry pi 3b running DNSMasq version 2.80 (wired)
Second port of call: ASUS TravelMate I5-4210u Ubuntu 20.04 running Phole (WIFI)
Third port of call: A Raspberry pi 3b running Pihole (wired)
Fourth port of call: A Raspberry pi 3b running Pihole (wired)
Spare Raspberry pi 3b running Pihole (wired) used as standby backup DNS incase all the above fails.
All the devices are on My home style UPS. Inverter 4000w, car battery, car battery charger.
What I have changed since installing Pi-hole:
I have a massive increased of the DNS cache size: 2 000 000.
I have decreased database interval. Raspberry pi 3b = 2 hours. Travelmate = 24 hours.
Also I have cron job to kill the pihole-FTL database. Sometimes the FTL takes l long time to start.
cd /etc/pihole
service pihole-FTL stop
pkill -9 pihole-FTL
rm pihole-FTL.db
service pihole-FTL start
Can you elaborate on how these five resolvers are working together?
Clarify what and where the "upstream server" is in the context of this arrangement
Describe how a client's DNS request touches them and moves through them
What is the purpose of this arrangement?
Which Pi-hole instance contains the gravity database that you wish to implement, ie adlists, black/whitelists?
From the point of view of clients, are blocked domains ultimately being blocked and non-blocked domains being resolved, regardless of what you see on the Pi-hole instances?
Why is the FTL database being periodically removed, and on which Pi-hole or Pi-holes?
I did have them in parallel, the DNSMasq Forwarded to 3 separate piholes (for fault tolerance) .
I now have all but one is forwarded in series DNSMasq > Pihole9 > Pihole10 > Pihole8 > Internet.
I tried this because Linux was better than windows when running spotify and blocking adds.
My "upstream server" is the next one in line. DNSMasq > Pihole9 > Pihole10 > Pihole8 > Internet.
Clients ask a DNSMasq server it forwards to the Pihole the request can go thru upto 3 Piholes.
I get bored easy. I like to experiment a lot with what I have to report faults and learn how it works.
I had a car that ran on microsoft Quick BASIC 4.5 in Realtime firing the spark plugs in my car.
They all have my 1.9 million blocklist. plus the domain page in the pihole with approx 802 entries. Most times when I add a domain to one I add it to all the others. The teleport function is sometimes used between piholes. When The domain page gets this long I usually update my lists to reflect the changes in white and black lists. It gets very slow to add more when its this long.
I do a lot of testing and gathering information researching subjects with The YaCy Search Engine this can cause issues with the database. FTL very Slow to start.
The Spotify client has been sending extra Valid DNS requests to but its triggered on the back of many other microsoft DNS requests. Hence the hosts file.
I found a handy DNS program which I have been using to troubleshooting the windows > pihole setup.
I had wireshark running as well and got a diagraph of what goes on with spotify.
I have a 4 GB packet log over 2 days with ads on spotify. My PC is too old to do much with it.
This was the stats yesterday after My Nslookup loop running for a few hours.
It cycled approx 2000 times according to yahoo lookups and there was the spotify clent domain with 50000 hits.