Is there a way to block webrtc with pi hole for all devices?
when i test ,
Your IP addresses - WebRTC detection
Private-Use - [RFC1918]
IANA Private or Special Address
Is there a way to block webrtc with pi hole for all devices?
when i test ,
Your IP addresses - WebRTC detection
Private-Use - [RFC1918]
IANA Private or Special Address
Pi-hole blocks domains, so you may be able to block WebRTC if it has one or more domains that are needed for it work.
Bear in mind that any client that is reconfigured to use other DNS servers, or browser which uses its own DNS config, can override Pi-hole.
You launched a website that checks your IP and DNS server, but you want to disable part of the output of that website? Specifically what is it that you want to block?
The WebRTC detection window is just text, with no link to any other site:
Per the note on the applicable web page:
What are WebRTC leaks?
WebRTC implement STUN (Session Traversal Utilities for Nat), a protocol that allows to discover the public IP address. To disable it:
- Mozilla Firefox: Type "about:config” in the address bar. Scroll down to “media.peerconnection.enabled”, double click to set it to false.
- Google Chrome: Install Google official extension WebRTC Network Limiter.
- Opera: Type "about:config" in the address bar or go to "Settings". Select "Show advanced settings" and click on "Privacy & security". At "WebRTC" mark select "Disable non-proxied UDP".
Yea i tried extensions, no way to disable it or block it, why I asked if pi hole can.
The site shows you how to block this on three different browsers. Are you using Firefox, Chrome or Opera?
Pi-hole blocks domains. If the WebRTC process calls specific domains, and you can determine those domains, you can block them with Pi-hole.
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