Blank audit log

Two raspberry pi here, one running buster the other bullseye, both updated today.

The audit log remains blank - no entries?

Debug Token:

Have you added anything to the audit logs?

I too have a blank Audit Log. It's not a feature I've used before so looked up how to use it. I've read the release notes for it.

My understanding is that it should contain a replica of the Top Permitted Domains and Top Blocked Domains lists from the main dashboard, and that I don't have to do anything special to have it populated with unaudited domains. Is that correct? However it's just permanently blank here. The file /etc/pihole/auditlog.list doesn't exist (which is probably normal since I've not yet clicked any Audit buttons, since I don't have any to click).


It sounds like @Moto is seeing the same thing. Are we missing something? If so apologies, can you elaborate please. Thanks.

It's a bug.
It should only be empty if you audited all domains you visited before.

I tried sudo touch /etc/pihole/auditlog.list (the file mentioned in the notes) on the offchance that it just needed to exist for the function to start working, but no change so deleted it again. Happy to help debug/test if you need anything. There's a current debug log from 14 hours ago if that helps (from the earlier BLOB post in Help).

Thanks, but auditlog.list is not used anymore since v5.0. I'm already investigating and the issue is not with the web interface but FTL. I'll add notes to the issue on github.

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Same problem here audit log empty since about 2 weeks after an update

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