[I add in a website to the blacklist. Let's say the website is google.com or paypal.com. When adding them in I shouldn't be able to connect to the website.]
NOTE: I am just adding in google.com or www.google.com and not anything with "https" or "/". I did try using wildcard and regex as well but to an avail. I did a cat /etc/pihole/blacklist.txt and see that my sites that I add in are indeed in that txt file. I have disabled IPv6. I have flushed my dns. On my router and computer the only dns I have is the one that is my rasiberry pi (i think?). I am VERY new to this so I could have doing something wrong.
The latest entries from the log shows that nothing is configured to be blocked.
[2019-09-12 00:24:27.549 908] Received SIGHUP, reloading cache
[2019-09-12 00:24:27.549 908] Blocking status is enabled
[2019-09-12 00:24:27.549 908] Skipping empty regex filter on line 1
[2019-09-12 00:24:27.549 908] Compiled 0 Regex filters and 0 whitelisted domains in 0.3 msec (0 errors)
[2019-09-12 00:24:27.781 908] /etc/pihole/black.list: parsed 0 domains (took 0.1 ms)
[2019-09-12 00:24:28.524 908] /etc/pihole/gravity.list: parsed 115964 domains (took 742.4 ms)
Adding a domain to the blacklist just blocks that exact domain. google.com would not block www.google.com or photos.google.com. You would need to wildcard block google.com to block everything.
What is the output of this command? Your debug log reports this file to be empty.
There are some incorrect domains listed in the lighttpd error log, which indicates you may have tried to enter them into local lists.
2019-09-11 22:30:00: http://www.minitokyo.net is not a valid domain
2019-09-11 22:49:06: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00NJNJ6O6?ref=dacx_dp_9208816480401_2095420370601&me=ATVPDKIKX0DER&tag=ss-us-20&aaxitk=vq1IxyrGERKol7PmPjeYLw is not a valid domain
I'm still able to enter those sites. I also may be understanding regex wrong here. If I add "^something" as regex it should block any domain starting with something? Or "com&" and it should block any domain ending in com right?
This shows that the domain is being blocked. IF you are able to load that specific domain in your browser, the browser likely has the IP in cache from before you blocked it.
Let's get back to your original problem. Clear the browser cache, re-launch the browser and load the web page. Use these tools to help determine why things are not being blocked as you expected and if other domains are providing the content.
You can also enable regex debugging to get visibility on what regex filters are blocking content - this can help identify ineffective regex.