Background color for black/white-listed items

In "domain management" it is hard to see on a first look what is black list vs. white list.
So please give each a background colour like light red for black listed and light green for white listed. Another possibility may be back-colouring like it's named: white on black/gray for blacklist, black on white for white list.
Thanks in advance.

I was about to post the same request. I do agree. If you go to Group Management/Domains, the title on this page is Domain management. Below the "Add a new domain or regex filter" section.

Below that is the "List of entries"
All 4
Exact Whitelist,
Regex Whitelist,
Exact Blacklist,
Regex Blacklist,
are pretty much listed mixed together in no particular order. Apparently.

As you keep using this features, this grows pages long, and if you are glancing at this page after page, it's hard to say if the entry you are looking at is whitelisted or blacklisted.
I only get "Exac" and MUST click on it to see the whole name.
It would be a great time saver to add some kind of color codes. Most likely on the Domain/Regex column.


This is a bug and Independent of the feature request.