Autoupdate blocklists?


Is anybody using an autoupdater for the blocklists? E.g. this one:

Hosted on GitHub:

The autoupdater is not for Pi-hole but for the adlists/blocklists.

I am not affiliated with the author but am simply interested if/which experience other Pi-hole users have made with regard to manually or automatically updating blocklists. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. :slight_smile:

The script expects /home/pi/. As I run Pi-hole on Debian and have no user pi, I have to change pi to my username in these lines of the script:


Pihole already updates your blocklist once a week without the need of an external script. With the script you linked you are also relying on the blocklists JavanXD chose for you unless you provide your own source file. And when you are already creating your own source file, you might as well just add those blocklist to pihole yourself and be done with it. This script just seems completely unnecessary.

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Thanks for your explanation. I agree that the script is not necessary, as it is easier to manually add lists as needed, e.g. on

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