API requests for 'overTimeData10mins' returns data not matching the suggested value format


I'm using overTimeData10mins to get the latest requests count for the 24h period (API 3.0).

After taking a look here, it seems that the expected result should be in the format of: 00:00:00 - 00:09:59, 00:10:00 - 00:19:59, and so on.
But, after checking the output, it's in the format of: 00:05:00 - 00:14:59, 00:15:00 - 00:24:59, and so on.

Example output shown in JSON format (epoch time in seconds):

  • Expected output: {"1488150000":xx,"1488150600":xx,"1488151200":xx,(...)}
  • Actual output: {"1696586100":xx,"1696586700":xx,"1696587300":xx,(...)}

I'm building a project where I will show an hourly graph, so I need to take into consideration all the queries from xx:00:00 to xx:59:59. And if it's from xx:55:00 to xx:54:59 it makes it harder to calculate the correct amount of queries in an hour, because I have to add the corresponding queries of the first 5 minutes (previous hour), and substract the corresponding queries of the firsts 5 mins (next hour) o be able to have statistics for a complete hour.

But, the data that Pi-hole shows on its WebUI (graphs) are in the correct format.

Maybe, some offset has to be applied to compensate the output of the API?

(If that's indeed your expected output, you should check your system's time:
1488150000 translates to Feb 27th 00:00:00 2017 (for a system in CET).
) :wink:

I can confirm that api.php?overTimeData10mins returns 10 minutes slots starting at 5 minute boundaries, which is a deviation from the 0 minute boundaries shown on the dashboard.

@rdwebdesign, is this intentional, or is the web api calling FTL with an unwanted 5 minutes offset?

(If that's indeed your expected output, you should check your system's time:
1488150000 translates to Feb 27th 00:00:00 2017 (for a system in CET).
My system time is correct, no delay is shown on my system.
I just put today's time to show an example.

If 1488150000 is today's time on your system, its clock would be off by more than 5 years.
Are you sure that's your time?
What does date +s% return on your system?

  • Expected output: {"1488150000":xx,"1488150600":xx,"1488151200":xx,(...)}, taken from the example of the FAQs page (copy paste). Not my system.
  • Actual output: {"1696586100":xx,"1696586700":xx,"1696587300":xx,(...)}, generated from my system.

This is calculated in FTL, but I think the 5 minutes offset is expected to correctly position the bars on the graph, between two timeslots.

The INTERVAL is 10 minutes. The values are shifted 5 minutes (INTERVAL/2):

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Actually, the data from each interval (from 0 to 10 minutes) is aggregated and placed exactly in the middle of the interval.

The point at 00:05 stores data from 00:00 to 00:10.

This difference is understandable. The FAQ was created many years ago. A lot of changes were made after that. The current output is centering the data, like described above.


Thank you guys for the explanation. I got it now.

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