API: Forwarders stops working after a few minutes

It does seem like 24 hours. Just different then before where it reset at midnight. Text should probably changed on the dashboard to say xxx queries in the last 24 hours.

I'll have to figure out how to redo my scripts as it was taking the difference each minute from the api but now the difference wont be accurate as its adding and subtrating continiously. :confused:

You can change how it behaves with FTL's config. The wording is fixed in the next release.

1 Like

@ScottSt Would you mind sharing your script and grafana configuration?
I am very interested in getting these stats into my graphs as well.


Not the pretiest or best code but it works for me.

# Traffic logging tool
# Cron Jobs:
# InfluxDB Stats 1 Minute
# * * * * * influxStats_1m.sh > /dev/null 2>&1
# InfluxDB Stats 5 Minute
# 0,10 * * * * influxStats_5m.sh > /dev/null 2>&1
# InfluxDB Stats 30 Minute
# 0,30 * * * * influxStats_30m.sh > /dev/null 2>&1

# Set Vars
CURDATE=`date +%s`

H=$(date +%-H)
M=$(date +%-M)


# Had to increase to 3 samples because I was getting a spike each time I read it.  This seems to smooth it out more
top -b -n 3 -d.2 | grep "Cpu" |  tail -n 1 | awk '{print $2,$4,$6,$8,$10,$12,$14,$16}' | while read CPUusr CPUsys CPUnic CPUidle CPUio CPUirq CPUsirq CPUst
	cat /proc/loadavg | awk '{print $1,$2,$3}'| while read LAVG1 LAVG5 LAVG15
		curl -is -XPOST "$DBURL/write?db=$DBNAME&u=$USER&p=$PASSWORD" --data-binary "cpuStats,Device=${DEVICE} CPUusr=${CPUusr},CPUsys=${CPUsys},CPUnic=${CPUnic},CPUidle=${CPUidle},CPUio=${CPUio},CPUirq=${CPUirq},CPUsirq=${CPUsirq},CPUst=${CPUst},CPULoadAvg1m=${LAVG1},CPULoadAvg5m=${LAVG5},CPULoadAvg15m=${LAVG15} ${CURDATE}000000000" >/dev/null 2>&1

# CPU Temperature

TEMPERATURE=`cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp | awk '{printf "%0.3f\n",$1/1000}'`


curl -is -XPOST "$DBURL/write?db=$DBNAME&u=$USER&p=$PASSWORD" --data-binary "CPUtempStats,Device=${DEVICE},Core=${CORE0} Temperature=${TEMPERATURE} ${CURDATE}000000000" >/dev/null 2>&1

# GPU Temperature
TEMPERATURE=`vcgencmd measure_temp | sed "s/temp=//" | sed "s/'C//"`

curl -is -XPOST "$DBURL/write?db=$DBNAME&u=$USER&p=$PASSWORD" --data-binary "GPUstats,Device=${DEVICE},GPUTemp=${TEMPERATURE} ${CURDATE}000000000" >/dev/null 2>&1

# Memory
top -bn1 | head -4 | awk '/Mem/ {print $5,$7,$9}' | while read USED FREE CACHE
	curl -is -XPOST "$DBURL/write?db=$DBNAME&u=$USER&p=$PASSWORD" --data-binary "memoryStats,Device=${DEVICE} memUsed=${USED},memFree=${FREE},memCache=${CACHE} ${CURDATE}000000000" >/dev/null 2>&1

# Network

if [[ -f byteCount.tmp ]] ; then

	source byteCount.tmp

	currentBytesIn=`cat /proc/net/dev | grep "eth0" | awk '{print $2}'`
	currentBytesOut=`cat /proc/net/dev | grep "eth0" | awk '{print $10}'`

	# Prevent negative numbers when the counters reset.  Could miss data but it should be a marginal amount.
	if [ ${totalBytesIn} -le 0 ] ; then
	if [ ${totalBytesOut} -le 0 ] ; then
	echo "Total Bytes In "$totalBytesIn
	echo "Total Bytes Out "$totalBytesOut

	curl -is -XPOST "$DBURL/write?db=$DBNAME&u=$USER&p=$PASSWORD" --data-binary "interfaceStats,Interface=eth0,Device=${DEVICE} bytesIn=${totalBytesIn},bytesOut=${totalBytesOut} ${CURDATE}000000000" >/dev/null 2>&1

	# Write out the current stats to the temp file for the next read

	echo "lastBytesIn="$currentBytesIn > byteCount.tmp
	echo "lastBytesOut="$currentBytesOut >> byteCount.tmp
	# Write out blank file

	echo "lastBytesIn=0" > byteCount.tmp
	echo "lastBytesOut=0" >> byteCount.tmp

# Disk Stats

if [[ -f diskByteCountTest.tmp ]] ; then
	cat /proc/diskstats | grep -E 'mmcblk0p2' | sed 's/md//g' | awk '{print "disk" $3, $6, $10}' | while read DISK currentSectorsRead currentSectorsWrite
		# Check if the disk is in the temp file.
		if grep ${DISK} diskByteCountTest.tmp
			grep ${DISK} diskByteCountTest.tmp | while read lDISK lastSectorsRead lastSectorsWrite
				# Replace current disk stats with new stats for the next read
				sed -i "s/^${DISK}.*/${DISK} ${currentSectorsRead} ${currentSectorsWrite}/" diskByteCountTest.tmp
				# Need to multiply by 512 to convert from sectors to bytes
				(( totalBytesRead = 512 * (${currentSectorsRead} - ${lastSectorsRead}) ))
				(( totalBytesWrite = 512 * (${currentSectorsWrite} - ${lastSectorsWrite}) ))
				(( totalBytes = totalBytesRead + totalBytesWrite))

				curl -is -XPOST "$DBURL/write?db=$DBNAME&u=$USER&p=$PASSWORD" --data-binary "diskStats,Disk=${DISK},Device=${DEVICE} BytesPersec=${totalBytes},ReadBytesPersec=${totalBytesRead},WriteBytesPersec=${totalBytesWrite} ${CURDATE}000000000" >/dev/null 2>&1
			# If the disk wasn't in the temp file then add it to the end
			echo ${DISK} ${currentSectorsRead} ${currentSectorsWrite} >> diskByteCountTest.tmp
	# Write out a new file
	cat /proc/diskstats | grep -E 'mmcblk0p2' | sed 's/md//g' | awk '{print "disk" $3, $6, $10}' | while read DISK currentSectorsRead currentSectorsWrite
		echo ${DISK} ${currentSectorsRead} ${currentSectorsWrite} >> diskByteCountTest.tmp

# DNS Stats

curl "http://localhost/admin/api.php?summaryRaw" > summaryRaw.tmp

if [ $H -eq 0 -a $M -le 10 ] ; then
	echo "nothing"	#do nothing
	curl "" > getForwardDestinations.tmp

currentBlocked=`jq ".ads_blocked_today" summaryRaw.tmp`
currentQueries=`jq ".dns_queries_today" summaryRaw.tmp`
currentDomains_Blocked=`jq ".domains_being_blocked" summaryRaw.tmp`
currentPercent=`jq ".ads_percentage_today" summaryRaw.tmp`

currentDNS1=`jq '.[] | to_entries[] | select(.key | contains("")) | [.value] | .[]' getForwardDestinations.tmp`
currentDNS2=`jq '.[] | to_entries[] | select(.key | contains("")) | [.value] | .[]' getForwardDestinations.tmp`
currentDNS3=`jq '.[] | to_entries[] | select(.key | contains("")) | [.value] | .[]' getForwardDestinations.tmp`
currentDNS4=`jq '.[] | to_entries[] | select(.key | contains("")) | [.value] | .[]' getForwardDestinations.tmp`
currentDNS5=`jq '.[] | to_entries[] | select(.key | contains("")) | [.value] | .[]' getForwardDestinations.tmp`
currentDNS6=`jq '.[] | to_entries[] | select(.key | contains("")) | [.value] | .[]' getForwardDestinations.tmp`

if [[ -f queriesCount.tmp ]] ; then
	lastBlocked=`cat queriesCount.tmp | awk '{print $2}'`
	lastQueries=`cat queriesCount.tmp | awk '{print $3}'`

	lastDNS1=`cat queriesCount.tmp | awk '{print $6}'`
	lastDNS2=`cat queriesCount.tmp | awk '{print $7}'`
	lastDNS3=`cat queriesCount.tmp | awk '{print $8}'`
	lastDNS4=`cat queriesCount.tmp | awk '{print $9}'`
	lastDNS5=`cat queriesCount.tmp | awk '{print $10}'`
	lastDNS6=`cat queriesCount.tmp | awk '{print $11}'`


	# Prevent negative numbers when the counters reset.  Could miss data but it should be a marginal amount.
	if [ ${diffBlocked} -le 0 ] ; then
	if [ ${diffQueries} -le 0 ] ; then
	if [ ${DNS1} -le 0 ] || [ ${DNS1} -ge 1000 ] ; then
	if [ ${DNS2} -le 0 ] || [ ${DNS2} -ge 1000 ] ; then
	if [ ${DNS3} -le 0 ] || [ ${DNS3} -ge 1000 ] ; then
	if [ ${DNS4} -le 0 ] || [ ${DNS4} -ge 1000 ] ; then
	if [ ${DNS5} -le 0 ] || [ ${DNS5} -ge 1000 ] ; then
	if [ ${DNS6} -le 0 ] || [ ${DNS6} -ge 1000 ] ; then

	curl -is -XPOST "$DBURL/write?db=$DBNAME&u=$USER&p=$PASSWORD" --data-binary "DNSStats,Device=${DEVICE} Blocked_Queries=${diffBlocked},TotalQueryReceived=${diffQueries},PERCENT_BLOCKED=${currentPercent} ${CURDATE}000000000" >/dev/null 2>&1

	curl -is -XPOST "$DBURL/write?db=$DBNAME&u=$USER&p=$PASSWORD" --data-binary "DNSForwardStats,Device=${DEVICE},Address=google-public-dns-b.google.com Queries=${DNS1} ${CURDATE}000000000"  >/dev/null 2>&1

	curl -is -XPOST "$DBURL/write?db=$DBNAME&u=$USER&p=$PASSWORD" --data-binary "DNSForwardStats,Device=${DEVICE},Address=google-public-dns-a.google.com Queries=${DNS2} ${CURDATE}000000000"  >/dev/null 2>&1

	curl -is -XPOST "$DBURL/write?db=$DBNAME&u=$USER&p=$PASSWORD" --data-binary "DNSForwardStats,Device=${DEVICE},Address=3-94-60-240-host.colocrossing.com Queries=${DNS3} ${CURDATE}000000000"  >/dev/null 2>&1

	curl -is -XPOST "$DBURL/write?db=$DBNAME&u=$USER&p=$PASSWORD" --data-binary "DNSForwardStats,Device=${DEVICE},Address=resolver2.ihgip.net Queries=${DNS4} ${CURDATE}000000000"  >/dev/null 2>&1

	curl -is -XPOST "$DBURL/write?db=$DBNAME&u=$USER&p=$PASSWORD" --data-binary "DNSForwardStats,Device=${DEVICE},Address=dns-ca-204-111.ezdns.io Queries=${DNS5} ${CURDATE}000000000"  >/dev/null 2>&1

	curl -is -XPOST "$DBURL/write?db=$DBNAME&u=$USER&p=$PASSWORD" --data-binary "DNSForwardStats,Device=${DEVICE},Address=resolver1.ihgip.net Queries=${DNS6} ${CURDATE}000000000"  >/dev/null 2>&1

	# Write out the current stats to the temp file for the next read

	echo "data "$currentBlocked $currentQueries $currentPercent $currentDomains_Blocked $currentDNS1 $currentDNS2 $currentDNS3 $currentDNS4 $currentDNS5 $currentDNS6> queriesCount.tmp
	# Write out blank file

	echo "data 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0" > queriesCount.tmp

rm summaryRaw.tmp
rm getForwardDestinations.tmp

This is the Grafana Json.. Sorry about the length.

  "__inputs": [
      "name": "DS_INFLUXDB",
      "label": "influxDB",
      "description": "",
      "type": "datasource",
      "pluginId": "influxdb",
      "pluginName": "InfluxDB"
  "__requires": [
      "type": "grafana",
      "id": "grafana",
      "name": "Grafana",
      "version": "4.3.2"
      "type": "panel",
      "id": "grafana-piechart-panel",
      "name": "Pie Chart",
      "version": "1.1.5"
      "type": "panel",
      "id": "graph",
      "name": "Graph",
      "version": ""
      "type": "datasource",
      "id": "influxdb",
      "name": "InfluxDB",
      "version": "1.0.0"
      "type": "panel",
      "id": "singlestat",
      "name": "Singlestat",
      "version": ""
      "type": "panel",
      "id": "text",
      "name": "Text",
      "version": ""
  "annotations": {
    "list": []
  "description": "Raspberry Pi DNS Stats",
  "editable": true,
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  "hideControls": false,
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  "links": [],
  "refresh": "1m",
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      "collapse": false,
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      "panels": [
          "content": "<style>\n.title {\n  height: 50px;\n  line-height: 50px;\n  white-space: nowrap;\n  text-align: left;\n  font-weight: 300;\n  font-size: 45px;\n  font-family: \"Open Sans\";\n}\n\n.singlestat-panel-value, .singlestat-panel-postfix {\n  font-weight: 300;\n  font-size: 90%;\n  font-family: \"Open Sans\";\n}\n</style>\n<span class=\"title\">DNS-RASP</span>\n",
          "editable": true,
          "error": false,
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          "datasource": "${DS_INFLUXDB}",
          "decimals": 1,
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          "format": "s",
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            "minValue": 0,
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          "tableColumn": "",
          "targets": [
              "dsType": "influxdb",
              "groupBy": [],
              "measurement": "uptime",
              "policy": "default",
              "query": "SELECT last(\"Uptime\") FROM \"uptime\" WHERE \"Device\" = 'AD-RASP'",
              "rawQuery": false,
              "refId": "A",
              "resultFormat": "time_series",
              "select": [
                    "params": [
                    "type": "field"
                    "params": [],
                    "type": "last"
              "tags": [
                  "key": "Device",
                  "operator": "=",
                  "value": "DNS-RASP"
          "thresholds": "",
          "title": "Current Uptime",
          "transparent": true,
          "type": "singlestat",
          "valueFontSize": "80%",
          "valueMaps": [
              "op": "=",
              "text": "N/A",
              "value": "null"
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          "colors": [
            "rgba(245, 54, 54, 0.9)",
            "rgba(237, 129, 40, 0.89)",
            "rgba(50, 172, 45, 0.97)"
          "datasource": "${DS_INFLUXDB}",
          "decimals": 1,
          "editable": true,
          "error": false,
          "format": "s",
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            "maxValue": 100,
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              "dsType": "influxdb",
              "groupBy": [],
              "measurement": "uptime",
              "policy": "default",
              "query": "SELECT max(\"Uptime\") FROM \"uptime\" WHERE \"Device\" = 'DNS-RASP'",
              "rawQuery": true,
              "refId": "A",
              "resultFormat": "time_series",
              "select": [
                    "params": [
                    "type": "field"
                    "params": [],
                    "type": "max"
              "tags": [
                  "key": "Device",
                  "operator": "=",
                  "value": "AD-VM"
          "thresholds": "",
          "timeFrom": "365d",
          "title": "Longest Uptime",
          "transparent": true,
          "type": "singlestat",
          "valueFontSize": "80%",
          "valueMaps": [
              "op": "=",
              "text": "N/A",
              "value": "null"
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      "titleSize": "h6"
      "collapse": false,
      "height": 283,
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          "nullPointMode": "connected",
          "pieType": "donut",
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          "targets": [
              "alias": "IO",
              "dsType": "influxdb",
              "groupBy": [
                  "params": [
                  "type": "time"
                  "params": [
                  "type": "fill"
              "measurement": "cpuStats",
              "policy": "default",
              "refId": "A",
              "resultFormat": "time_series",
              "select": [
                    "params": [
                    "type": "field"
                    "params": [],
                    "type": "mean"
              "tags": [
                  "key": "Device",
                  "operator": "=",
                  "value": "DNS-RASP"
              "alias": "IRQ",
              "dsType": "influxdb",
              "groupBy": [
                  "params": [
                  "type": "time"
                  "params": [
                  "type": "fill"
              "measurement": "cpuStats",
              "policy": "default",
              "refId": "B",
              "resultFormat": "time_series",
              "select": [
                    "params": [
                    "type": "field"
                    "params": [],
                    "type": "mean"
              "tags": [
                  "key": "Device",
                  "operator": "=",
                  "value": "DNS-RASP"
              "alias": "NIC",
              "dsType": "influxdb",
              "groupBy": [
                  "params": [
                  "type": "time"
                  "params": [
                  "type": "fill"
              "measurement": "cpuStats",
              "policy": "default",
              "refId": "C",
              "resultFormat": "time_series",
              "select": [
                    "params": [
                    "type": "field"
                    "params": [],
                    "type": "mean"
              "tags": [
                  "key": "Device",
                  "operator": "=",
                  "value": "DNS-RASP"
              "alias": "SIRQ",
              "dsType": "influxdb",
              "groupBy": [
                  "params": [
                  "type": "time"
                  "params": [
                  "type": "fill"
              "measurement": "cpuStats",
              "policy": "default",
              "refId": "D",
              "resultFormat": "time_series",
              "select": [
                    "params": [
                    "type": "field"
                    "params": [],
                    "type": "mean"
              "tags": [
                  "key": "Device",
                  "operator": "=",
                  "value": "DNS-RASP"
              "alias": "SYS",
              "dsType": "influxdb",
              "groupBy": [
                  "params": [
                  "type": "time"
                  "params": [
                  "type": "fill"
              "measurement": "cpuStats",
              "policy": "default",
              "refId": "E",
              "resultFormat": "time_series",
              "select": [
                    "params": [
                    "type": "field"
                    "params": [],
                    "type": "mean"
              "tags": [
                  "key": "Device",
                  "operator": "=",
                  "value": "DNS-RASP"
              "alias": "USER",
              "dsType": "influxdb",
              "groupBy": [
                  "params": [
                  "type": "time"
                  "params": [
                  "type": "fill"
              "measurement": "cpuStats",
              "policy": "default",
              "refId": "F",
              "resultFormat": "time_series",
              "select": [
                    "params": [
                    "type": "field"
                    "params": [],
                    "type": "mean"
              "tags": [
                  "key": "Device",
                  "operator": "=",
                  "value": "DNS-RASP"
              "alias": "IDLE",
              "dsType": "influxdb",
              "groupBy": [
                  "params": [
                  "type": "time"
                  "params": [
                  "type": "fill"
              "measurement": "cpuStats",
              "policy": "default",
              "refId": "G",
              "resultFormat": "time_series",
              "select": [
                    "params": [
                    "type": "field"
                    "params": [],
                    "type": "mean"
              "tags": [
                  "key": "Device",
                  "operator": "=",
                  "value": "DNS-RASP"
              "alias": "ST",
              "dsType": "influxdb",
              "groupBy": [
                  "params": [
                  "type": "time"
                  "params": [
                  "type": "fill"
              "measurement": "cpuStats",
              "policy": "default",
              "refId": "H",
              "resultFormat": "time_series",
              "select": [
                    "params": [
                    "type": "field"
                    "params": [],
                    "type": "mean"
              "tags": [
                  "key": "Device",
                  "operator": "=",
                  "value": "DNS-RASP"
          "title": "CPU Load Distribution",
          "type": "grafana-piechart-panel",
          "valueName": "avg"
          "aliasColors": {},
          "bars": true,
          "dashLength": 10,
          "dashes": false,
          "datasource": "${DS_INFLUXDB}",
          "editable": true,
          "error": false,
          "fill": 1,
          "grid": {},
          "id": 13,
          "interval": ">60s",
          "legend": {
            "avg": false,
            "current": false,
            "max": false,
            "min": false,
            "show": true,
            "total": false,
            "values": false
          "lines": false,
          "linewidth": 1,
          "links": [],
          "nullPointMode": "null",
          "percentage": false,
          "pointradius": 5,
          "points": false,
          "renderer": "flot",
          "seriesOverrides": [],
          "spaceLength": 10,
          "span": 9,
          "stack": true,
          "steppedLine": false,
          "targets": [
              "alias": "IO",
              "dsType": "influxdb",
              "groupBy": [
                  "params": [
                  "type": "time"
              "measurement": "cpuStats",
              "policy": "default",
              "refId": "A",
              "resultFormat": "time_series",
              "select": [
                    "params": [
                    "type": "field"
                    "params": [],
                    "type": "mean"
              "tags": [
                  "key": "Device",
                  "operator": "=",
                  "value": "DNS-RASP"
              "alias": "IRQ",
              "dsType": "influxdb",
              "groupBy": [
                  "params": [
                  "type": "time"
                  "params": [
                  "type": "fill"
              "measurement": "cpuStats",
              "policy": "default",
              "refId": "B",
              "resultFormat": "time_series",
              "select": [
                    "params": [
                    "type": "field"
                    "params": [],
                    "type": "mean"
              "tags": [
                  "key": "Device",
                  "operator": "=",
                  "value": "DNS-RASP"
              "alias": "NIC",
              "dsType": "influxdb",
              "groupBy": [
                  "params": [
                  "type": "time"
                  "params": [
                  "type": "fill"
              "measurement": "cpuStats",
              "policy": "default",
              "refId": "C",
              "resultFormat": "time_series",
              "select": [
                    "params": [
                    "type": "field"
                    "params": [],
                    "type": "mean"
              "tags": [
                  "key": "Device",
                  "operator": "=",
                  "value": "DNS-RASP"
              "alias": "SIRQ",
              "dsType": "influxdb",
              "groupBy": [
                  "params": [
                  "type": "time"
                  "params": [
                  "type": "fill"
              "measurement": "cpuStats",
              "policy": "default",
              "refId": "D",
              "resultFormat": "time_series",
              "select": [
                    "params": [
                    "type": "field"
                    "params": [],
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1 Like