Alternatives for the "clever" vocabulary?

The Pi-hole has great functionality. When I started with the Pi-hole a year or two ago I was very confused by feature names like. " FTL (Faster than light)." "Event horizon." "Gravity." "Transporter." Looking through ad blocking, network and Linux related documentation didn't help. A knowledge of the Pi-hole's function didn't help. Eventually I found a post that mentioned that one or more of the developers has love for Star Trek or some other movie or TV show. In that context, the names are very clever! I just don't have much patience for clever. I have had to decipher code written by people who also enjoy this sort of cleverness too many times to really enjoy doing it again. My request:

  • An easy to find table that translates the clever vocabulary to actual descriptive wording.

Or better:

  • A setting that translates the clever phrases to meaningful phrases in the running application upon installation. I actually have a cognitive issue that makes forming new neural associations difficult. I have to keep looking up what some of the Pi-hole specific words mean. I'd bet that there are more than a few people who feel stupid because they don't know what "FTL" means in the context of blocking ads, and therefore assume they are not smart enough for the Pi-hole.

Thank you!


Block lists are publicly accessible lists of domains to which you subscribe. Blacklist is a locally maintained list of domains to be blocked (unique to your installation). Whitelist is a locally maintained of lists not to block (unique to your installation).

Gravity = contents of all block lists plus your blacklist (sorted and with duplicates removed) minus your whitelist. Gravity becomes the master list of domains to block for your Pi-Hole installation.