Allow user to set upper range on dashboard query graphs


I usually have less than 500 permitted queries in the normal 10-minute period, almost never go beyond 1800.

Once a while my ISP disconnects me and renews the internet connection and the external IP, during the down time, there's an (abnormal) peak of high DNS queries (10000+), and that causes the scale of "Total Queries" graph jumping to max 15000, which makes the normal query bars very short.

I have a screenshot here:

I hope the scaling can be smarter, either allows me to set a fixed max query number (for example, 1500 for me) and just chops off any peaks bigger than that number, or uses an average query number in 24-hour period and calculates a reasonable max query value.


How would such a reasonable value be calculated?

How would such a reasonable value be calculated?

for example, 2 x average query number of 10-minute in 24-hour?

That may be reasonable to you, but what about the use who wants to see the exact data, with no capping? Putting an aveage limit on it would hide the activity peaks, the very thing that caught your attention.

Note that the problem is self-adjusting in 24 hours after the data spike.

Well I am not saying it's reasonable for everyone, I want new options... I actually prefer that I can set the max query value.

Note that the problem is self-adjusting in 24 hours after the data spike.

Yes and I have to wait for 24 hours before that peak disappears.

Your feature request is then "allow user to set maximum upper range on query graph"?

Your feature request is then "allow user to set maximum upper range on query graph"?


Although I am OK if the automatic adjustment is done smartly.

As asuggestion to this: A logarithmic scale (toggable) would also be nice

I'm afraid logarithmic scaling would only be understandable for a minority of users.

edit Compare linear y-axis:

to a logarithmic y-axis:

Especially the blocked (gray) to permitted (green) ratio is significantly distorted in logarithmic scaling.

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I reckon an obvious answer to the problem of not noticing a spike is to mark it somehow. I am not seeing quite the extreme spikes I did, but if you have a maximum value shown on the display, however that value is decided, anything exceeding that should be marked.