After restart Pihole in Docker take a long time till working

Expected Behaviour:

Fast startup when Pihole is restartet

Actual Behaviour:

Today I update Pihole Docker from 2024.02.x to 2024.03.2, and after restart Pihole in Docker take a long time (more than 2 mins) till working.
At this time no internet connection for Clients possible.
WebGUI is working immediately fine, but shows on dashboard under “Domains on Adlists” -2
It looks like that there is a problem loading the Adlist at Pihole startup.
As soon the Adlist is loaded, Pihole is working fine.
After a while there is no problem to load the adlist manually.

This behaviour “take a long time till Pihole is working” occurs now with every restart.


|2024/04/03 17:04:44|stdout|[K  [[32m✓[0m] Parsed 186739 exact domains and 0 ABP-style domains (ignored 1 non-domain entries)|
|2024/04/03 17:04:43|stdout|  [[91m✗[0m] List download failed: [32musing previously cached list[0m|
|2024/04/03 17:04:43|stdout|  [i] Status: Pending... [K  [[91m✗[0m] Status: Connection Refused|
|2024/04/03 17:04:32|stdout|  [i] Target:|
|2024/04/03 17:04:32|stdout||
|2024/04/03 17:04:32|stdout|  [i] Using libz compression|
|2024/04/03 17:04:32|stdout|  [i] Creating new gravity databases... [K  [[32m✓[0m] Creating new gravity databases|
|2024/04/03 17:04:30|stdout|  [i] Preparing new gravity database... [K  [[32m✓[0m] Preparing new gravity database|
|2024/04/03 17:04:29|stdout||
|2024/04/03 17:04:29|stdout|[K  [[32m✓[0m] Pulling blocklist source list into range|
|2024/04/03 17:04:29|stdout|  [i] [1mNeutrino emissions detected[0m...|
|2024/04/03 17:04:29|stdout|s6-rc: info: service legacy-services successfully started|
|2024/04/03 17:04:29|stdout|  Checking if custom gravity.db is set in /etc/pihole/pihole-FTL.conf |

Status: Pending... [K [[91m✗[0m] Status: Connection Refused

But I think I have no network issues, last time updating Docker was no problem

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