Expected Behavior:
Pi Hole to be blocking more ads. I added blocklists from firebog.net and and other resource or two suggested on different reddit posts but I am only getting a small number of queries blocked. I am very new to the Pi and Pi Hole, any help would be greatly appreciated.
Actual Behavior:
Pi hole is only blocking around 35% of ads on a good day
I am seeing ads on all devices and its not specific to any sites. I am using chrome on PC, or the safari browser on iphone. I have been opening recipe pages, weather sites, youtube... anything where I normally see an excess of ads
(1) The client is not using Pi-hole for DNS. This can be due to improper router DHCP configuration, availability of an alternate DNS server to client ("secondary DNS" in router, or IPv6), or use of a VPN service on the client.
From a client that you believe should be connected to the Pi-Hole for DNS, from the command prompt or terminal on that client (and not via ssh or Putty to the Pi), what is the output of
nslookup pi.hole
(2) The browser in use on the client has private or secure DNS enabled, and the DNS requests from the browser aren't going to Pi-hole.
(3) The ads cannot be blocked by Pi-hole. This is typical with YouTube and Facebook, but does not appear to be the case for you.
(4) The client(s) are in a Pi-hole management group with no or limited blocking.