Admin Dashboard 5-10 minutes behind

I re-configured and re-installed my pi-hole this morning and after I setup my router to forward through it, I noticed the dashboard is about 5-10 minutes behind at times. Not a major issue but sort of annoying. Is there a fix for this?

I tried using separate browsers, deleting cache, etc. No errors in the lighttpd log or pihole logs either. I can tail the pihole.log and see current queries it's just the dashboard lagging. I should note, that it wasn't like this before I updated and reinstalled versions.


Check to make sure that the Pi-hole's time is the same as your device's time. The time is stored as a UTC timestamp, and the browser's timezone is used to display the correct local time.

Is this also true for the Query Log?

Note that the main graph doesn't show the details for the very last 10 minutes interval, as this dataset is not yet complete.

Yep time stamps are the same accounting for UTC. Also see entries in the piehole.log with current time stamps.

If this is normal behavior then that's fine. I just wasn't sure because it looked different.