Adding a list of domains to white/blacklist through webgui


Could it be made possible to add lists of domains through the webgui, with and without wildcard ?

The method now, where you have to add a single domain at a time, is not fun, when you have +100k list of domains with wildcard.

Yes, indeed a missing feature - see this example

You can already add multiple domains at the same time.
Just type a space between the domains :wink:

Okay, if you take my list of +100k domains and separate them with a space between them, as you suggest me to do. Then you copy+paste them to the webgui's single input field for blacklist and save. Do you think it can handle +100k entries without crashing when adding them with wildcard? Because I dont. My browser crashes when I try to show my current blacklist through the webgui. So that is why I suggest that we add the possibility to add through a list in the webgui.

@tl87 If you might share you list, I might be able to do something with QB64.

pihole -wild

One would need a way out in case of error/crash.

pihole -wild -d

You would have also consider how fast the script executes when loading 1 after another this can be implemented with the SLEEP command.

@smokingwheels I saw that, but if you have a 100k+ list, simply making a script that add the entry is taking way to long, especially when you do it on a Raspberry Pi.

Let's do some quick math:

List is 100,000 entries and you set a sleep timer for 5 seconds between entries, so you do not crash anything.
So 100,000 entries * 5 seconds is 500,000 seconds. So 500,000 seconds / with 60 is 8,333.3333 minutes. 8,333.3333 minutes / with 60 is 138.88889 hours. That is 138.8889 hours / with 24 is 5.7870 days. So almost 6 days, just to add 100k domains to a blacklist.

My situation

I just did at cat mylist.txt | nl and found I had 195602 entries, so that is 29,43 days of adding them to the wildcard blacklist with a script and a delay on 13 seconds, because I have PiHole installed on a Raspberry Pi.

Also if you make the do:

set -e

The script will stop, if there is any errors.


I have a similar request, I have a feed of "top-level" domains I would like to add to the wildcard blacklist.

What I would like to see is a mechanism akin to the standard block lists (via gravity) , this would also work be usefull for whitelisting (Thinking something like the Alexa top 500 sites)

Thoughts ?


I think there is already a feature request for this. Either way, please make new feature requests in a new thread.

Implemented in pihole v5.0. Multiple items can be added through the web gui, separated by spaces. Works for adding domains exact and as wildcards.