Add Quad9s' secondary IPv6 Address 2620:fe::9

As of now, the only IPv6 address for quad9 that can be checked in the user interface is 2620:fe::fe, although now there is also 2620:fe::9 available to use, would be nice to see a checkbox for it.



Secure IPv6 Primary: 2620:fe::fe Blocklist, DNSSEC, No EDNS Client-Subnet
Secure IPv6 Secondary: 2620:fe::9 Blocklist, DNSSEC, No EDNS Client-Subnet
Unsecured IPv6 Primary: 2620:fe::10 No blocklist, no DNSSEC, send No EDNS Client-Subnet
Unsecured IPv6 Secondary: 2620:fe::fe:10 No blocklist, no DNSSEC, send No EDNS Client-Subnet

edit (Aug 31, 2018): Private communication with Quad9 confirmed that the "unsecured" DNS servers do not use ECS. They will correct their FAQ.

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This was a quick one, see

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So should I just be able to run pihole -up and this update should be applied?

Only if you are on the development branch.

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Ah, I am not, I will wait for it to hit the stable branch then. :slight_smile:

In the meantime, you can add this IP as one of the custom IP's on the DNS tab of your admin GUI.


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Already did this before filing this issue. :slight_smile:

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