About the Aide en français category

(Replace this first paragraph with a brief description of your new category. This guidance will appear in the category selection area, so try to keep it below 200 characters.)

Use the following paragraphs for a longer description, or to establish category guidelines or rules:

  • Why should people use this category? What is it for?

  • How exactly is this different than the other categories we already have?

  • What should topics in this category generally contain?

  • Do we need this category? Can we merge with another category, or subcategory?

Merci beaucoup Chef :slight_smile:

Little issue there,
It´s should be ¨Aide en français¨ instead of ¨au français¨.
Presuming by the respective german support part of the forums, you were planning to name it as ¨Help in french¨, except that here, it is currently ¨Help to the french¨ (¨Aide aux français¨)
Here´s a little article explaning you how to use the contractions before nouns (Like you´ve did by mistake with ¨au¨), and here´s something else that´s explain how to use the ¨en¨.
