Ability to not log DNS request for other machines on LAN

Is there a way to tell pihole not to log DNS requests if they are hostnames on the local area network? For example, if a type ssh highpoint that gets logged and I'd like to not pollute my logs with these queries.

Pi-Hole sees the domain name highpoint as just another DNS query, and it is logged like all other DNS queries. There is not an option to selectively not log requests from a specific client or for a specific domain - all queries are logged equally based on the selected privacy and logging settings.

If all the ssh transactions are initiated from one machine, you can map those domains to LAN IP's in the hosts file on that machine, and the domain requests will not make it to Pi-Hole; they will be resolved on the other machine.

Thanks for the reply. Just wanted to make sure there wasn't an option (check box).

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