A Few issues with the beta on a fresh install

same as usual, it kept the ad lists, data base is locked, i might just have to pull the plug on a pi 4, if the next nuke doesn't work, gravity error is back.

Does this mean it kept the large number or the smaller number (from which we know it works)?

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the large number of lists it kept

That's why I said


contains all of my block lists apparently

So please make a copy of this list and then truncate it down to the few lists.

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I'll check to see which lists are the offenders I'll probably have to enable them a few at a time till it hits then isolate the offenders toll it's clean then I'll post which ones are troublesome I still have to disable some that are now dead as of the last gravity results.

i reformatted again to see if the new update works now and ill work on gravity by nailing the broken lists, is there a debug command that i can use to see which have parsing errors by any chance?

Web interface updated, i can see a difference now, i still have a -2 on domains on block list, but i purged all the dead lists that i suspect are causing the issue

Also the read only database is back, GUI is not updating with blocked domains, and there is no entry's in the live log for blocked domains.
ive check the live logs and its not blocking them at all.

i believe the issue with read only and gravity are the same issue, it cant write the gravity to the db and its having a fit.

i fixed one list that was github.com not rawgithub.com

No blocked domains on GUI, blocking is not working for some reason seems to be letting ads pass through oddly.

Two more things i think may have found the offending lists:

Also how does pihole deal with this suff at the beginning of lists localhost
::1 ip6-localhost
::1 ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters localhost
::1 localhost broadcasthost
fe80::1%lo0 localhost

the error changed now to this instead
Error, something went wrong!
While executing: attempt to write a readonly database

holy smokes i just worked out how to fix the issue there is a permission issue with gravity db, this fixes the web ui not accepting domains and also fixes my teleporter issue.
Also blocking is now working.
Still have a -2 on blacklist domains might need to let it settle, and the gravity issue is still there

Default permissions- causes read only

Fixed persmissons

Also gravity temp db keeps changing its owner and group to root once i do a gravity after i set both to pi hole

This permission is indeed incorrect, however, why are only you seeing this?

This part of the code should add group write access at the end of the pihole -g run:

Please also check with 0664 (no write for Others).

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I'm not entirely sure but my, assumption is that it's because I'm the only person using a rock 64 with armbian buster, I have ordered a pi 4 pre maturely, since I suspect the gravity issue is related to the permissions problem, I noticed that alot of the files in the etc pihole are set to root and not pihole for some strange reason even in opt pihole, is that normal?

I noticed that running gravity was reverting permissions in the FTL db when I changed them.

Yes, only gravity.db and the folder itself needs to be group writable. For the rest, group readability suffices.

Yeah, this is somewhat expected. However, they should be set to 0664, in your screenshot above they were 0644. To what do they get reset?

Please also try the following experiment:

ls -lh /etc/pihole/gravity.db
sudo chmod 0644 /etc/pihole/gravity.db
ls -lh /etc/pihole/gravity.db
sudo chmod g+w /etc/pihole/gravity.db
ls -lh /etc/pihole/gravity.db
sudo chmod 0664 /etc/pihole/gravity.db
ls -lh /etc/pihole/gravity.db

What is the exact output of this chain of commands?

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reset to deffault permissions and root instead of pihole.

its like my lists are not working foe some odd reason any ways i bout a pi 4 and got it today ill test to see if the same issue occurs.

But also im getting issues with block lists not working which to me i believe relates to the gravity error,
i don't think is a parsing issue i believe its a permissions issue.

Ive also notice some sort of pausing while it retrieves block lists as if it gets stuck then moves forward.

also i notice on raspbian the installer works flawlessly to install 4.0 but on armbian it stops when installing the dependency for php, i think there is an installer incompatibility issue with armbian going on.