Pi Hole not working on Comcast router

I'm setting up pi hole for the first time on a pi 3 b and it doesnt seem to be working.Ipconfig returns 3 dns addresses (even though i manually set my pc to only use the pi) and when i use comcast xFi it won't let me remove the 2 https://sarkariresult.onl/ Mobdro comcast dns servers. Is there a way to fix this without buying a new router?

You can override the DNS I windows. If you go into IPv4 settings you will find this dialog box:


Select the radio button as highlighted and put in the pi-hole address in the provided fields.

You can check one more place if you are still getting more that the pi-hole and that is the advanced button on that panel and it will bring up:

Here you can control the order of the DNS servers and remove any that you don't want.

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