Yet, another post about pihole command not working

Read about trying to reinstall the whole thing using bash command:

curl -sSL | bash

but I'm running PiHole as a Docker image. I was wondering how to upgrade to 5.0 without breaking anything.


Where do / did you get the Docker image from?

From GitHub - pi-hole/docker-pi-hole: Pi-hole in a docker container

But installed with this part of docker-pi-hole/ at bb292a301c17f5dab04f30fbc60685e1b2cb8ad9 · pi-hole/docker-pi-hole · GitHub

docker run -d \
    --name pihole \
    -p 53:53/tcp -p 53:53/udp \
    -p 80:80 \
    -p 443:443 \
    -e TZ="America/Chicago" \
    -v "$(pwd)/etc-pihole/:/etc/pihole/" \
    -v "$(pwd)/etc-dnsmasq.d/:/etc/dnsmasq.d/" \
    --dns= --dns= \
    --restart=unless-stopped \
    --hostname pi.hole \
    -e VIRTUAL_HOST="pi.hole" \
    -e PROXY_LOCATION="pi.hole" \
    -e ServerIP="" \

It's all in the documentation. GitHub - pi-hole/docker-pi-hole: Pi-hole in a docker container

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