Whitelisted Site, not displaying correctly

Please follow the below template, it will help us to help you!

Expected Behaviour:

winndixie.com (coupons.winndixie.com) should display the Weekly Ad when I view it.

Actual Behaviour:

It seems all hidden parts of page, etc. are displaying, but nothing works correctly.

Debug Token:


I put the sites "winndixie.com" and "coupons.winndixie.com" into the whitelist section, and reading posts here, I did it as pihole -w then "pihole -g"....

The other pages of the site load and display correctly. However, when I choose the Weekly Ad page, the page seems to display all parts of the page at same time, errors, etc.

Site View

When I disable pihole, I am able to view the Weekly Ad part, properly.

If there a way to find the sites that are being called, like a "tracert" ? Incidentally, if I do a tracert, it lists hops, then times out, and I don't know what IP or domain that is, to maybe add that to the whitelist.

Any suggestions ?

Thank you,

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Thank you!

This was what I was looking for. I used the pihole -t, looked for a entry,
Found: /etc/pihole/gravity.list cdn.cpnscdn.com is
Entered the domain into the Whitelist and boom, the link is now working !!

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