WARNING: Long-term load (15min avg) larger than number of processors: 83.7 > 4

Expected Behaviour:

Installed on Rasp3B
been working very much ok for years

Actual Behaviour:

I get the warning above

Debug Token:


Your debug log shows lots of homebridge activity running on the Pi. Has this also been running for some time or is this a new addition to your Pi-hole?

Has anything else happened recently that might account for the Pi now being very busy?

What do you see when you run the top command and leave it running and watch it? Does that reveal the process which is taking up lots of CPU?

If you prefer you can install the application atop, which is a logging alternative to top. After it has been running for a day or so you can load it up and go back in time to see what was using the CPU.

sudo apt install atop

Hi, thanks for the reply and the application. I will install it.

So the full picture is the following:
Aside Pihole, I run Homebridge. The latter works with plugins notably homebridge-dummy which seems to leak.

I'm hoping Top will reveal just that but so far, if I turn dummy off, the problem disappears. The problem is, its dev stopped updating it but I'm heavily dependant on it..

Here's a guide – ATOP for Linux server performance analysis (Guide)

A handy shortcut for reading previous days, you can dive into yesterday's log with atop -r y and the day before with atop -r yy and so on. Once you're in then t and T skip forwards and backwards in 10 minute steps, and you can use other keys to flip between different screens like CPU, disk, memory, etc, see the guide. This should reveal what was maxing out the CPU during each period.

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Awesome, thank you so much! I’ll let it run overnight, and hopefully catch one of those overload. Will report asap! Thanks Chis

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hello again Chris
As expected, it's homebridge who seems to load up. As a dev, do you know anything about homebridge and plugins?

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