Using Cloudflare Gateway with Pi-Hole (cloudflared)

I've signed up for Cloudflare Gateway, set up my policies and received my unique ID to use as subdomain of the DNS over HTTPS hostname.

In my Raspberry Pi I already had a Pi-Hole installed, pointing to which is where cloudflared is listening. I changed my cloudflared config.yml from to (where xxxxxx is my Gateway unique ID). Saved and...

failed to connect to an HTTPS backend

The issue was that cloudflared could not lookup the hostname since it uses Pi-Hole to resolve, which in turn uses cloudflared to forward the query.

So I changed /etc/resolv.conf from to (Gateway's DNS IP) and that worked! Now I could browse and see the network queries on both my Pi-Hole and on the Gateway's Dashboard.

The problem is that resolv.conf is regularly overwritten. So I tried to put the DNS in /etc/resolvconf.conf and in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base. Neither of them worked. Every couple hours, I get failed to connect to an HTTPS backend and I need to manually add to resolv.conf.

Any ideas on how to make it stick to resolv.conf?


Try this here:

This workaround is for V4. In V5, the contents of /etc/resolv.conf are not changed.

Note that if you change the nameserver on the Pi to something other than Pi-hole in V4, the Pi will not be able to map IPs to host names in the query log and long term database.