Use cached adlists on docker startup to improve startup times

To the best of my knowledge* this is already happening. On regular installs, gravity is not triggered and FTL starts with whatever there is in the gravity database (may even be an empty table). DNS resolution should always start instantaneously.

*) My best knowledge does not include the docker variant of Pi-hole. Things seem to be really different here.

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Hello @DL6ER, the docker variant of piHole is exactly where I would have liked this change.
I confirm what you say : I have since then moved to a LXC running piHole on top of ubuntu template just for that issue, and it has gone away.
So yes : piHole outside of docker is starting FTL instantly and serving DNS queries, not sure if blocking starts right away with existing cached lists on disk or only after gravity update.
But in the piHole docker container, on each container start, gravity is rebuild first and waits for all blocklists to be downloaded before starting DNS resolution service.
Any chance we could get that changed ? It's a docker-only issue, anyone from the pihole-docker team around ?

Thanks for the offer @DanSchaper, but pve is running like a charm ! I'm currently batteling with portainer/docker inside one of my VMs, and in fact even more with traefik... But I'll manage, just need some time, when given enought time for thinking, I usually end up with some satisfactory solution or workaround.