Updating Ad Lists Fails with 1.9m+ domains

Please follow the below template, it will help us to help you!

Most of the time, when I run pihole -g from CLi or Update Lists from Web UI I end up with an empty gravity.list and nothing being blocked. One of my block lists is particularly large, 1.9m records large. (It's https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chadmayfield/my-pihole-blocklists/master/lists/pi_blocklist_porn_all.list in case anyone wants to try reproducing).
I say most because it does sometimes work. 1/5 of my last tries worked. If I disable the big block list, it works just fine every time.

Expected Behaviour:

Lists are consolidated into /etc/pihole/gravity.list and domains blocked.

Actual Behaviour:

pihole -g ends unexpectedly and I get booted from my SSH session. Reconnecting, my /etc/pihole/gravity.list is empty.

I tried running in screen and using tee to capture output. pihole -g | tee gravity.log and got this.

  [i] Neutrino emissions detected...
  [✓] Pulling blocklist source list into range

  [i] Target: raw.githubusercontent.com (hosts)
  [✓] Status: Retrieval successful

  [i] Target: mirror1.malwaredomains.com (justdomains)
  [✓] Status: No changes detected

  [i] Target: sysctl.org (hosts)
  [✓] Status: No changes detected

  [i] Target: zeustracker.abuse.ch (blocklist.php?download=domainblocklist)
  [✓] Status: No changes detected

  [i] Target: s3.amazonaws.com (simple_tracking.txt)
  [✓] Status: No changes detected

  [i] Target: s3.amazonaws.com (simple_ad.txt)
  [✓] Status: No changes detected

  [i] Target: hosts-file.net (ad_servers.txt)
  [✓] Status: No changes detected

  [i] Target: raw.githubusercontent.com (pi_blocklist_porn_all.list)
  [✓] Status: Retrieval successful

  [i] Target: raw.githubusercontent.com (block.list)
  [✓] Status: Retrieval successful

  [✓] Consolidating blocklists
  [i] Extracting domains from blocklists...

It ends there and doesn't finish.

try sudo bash -vx /opt/pihole/gravity.sh and pastebin the result this will output a LOT so be prepared for it also it will help you troubleshoot

Yes, it would be helpful to see this output and you can send it to us using tricorder.

cat /some/file.output | pihole tricorder

sudo bash -vx /opt/pihole/gravity.sh > /home/pi/loggedgravity.txt && cat /home/pi/loggedgravity.txt | pihole tricorder

should be a one liner to do it. after testing if it doesnt work to upload retry the command after the && sometimes resolution right after gravity is run take an extra moment

Thanks for the guidance. I had to use the following since most of the debug is spit out on stderr
sudo bash -vx /opt/pihole/gravity.sh 2>&1 | tee /home/pi/loggedgravity.txt
cat /home/pi/loggedgravity.txt | pihole tricorder
My SSH session got dropped when running the gravity.sh (like I mentioned in the OP) so the output ends where that happened.
Here's the debug code I got from tricorder.

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Not much more in terms of clues...

e[K  [✓] Consolidating blocklists
+ gravity_SortAndFilterConsolidatedList
+ local str num
+ str='Extracting domains from blocklists'
+ echo -ne '  [i] Extracting domains from blocklists...'
  [i] Extracting domains from blocklists...+ gravity_ParseFileIntoDomains /etc/pihole/pihole.0.matterandlight.txt /etc/pihole/pihole.1.parsedmatter.txt
+ local source=/etc/pihole/pihole.0.matterandlight.txt destination=/etc/pihole/pihole.1.parsedmatter.txt firstLine abpFilter
+ [[ /etc/pihole/pihole.0.matterandlight.txt == \/\e\t\c\/\p\i\h\o\l\e\/\p\i\h\o\l\e\.\0\.\m\a\t\t\e\r\a\n\d\l\i\g\h\t\.\t\x\t ]]
+ awk -F '#' '{print $1}'
+ awk -F / '{print $1}'
+ sed -nr -e 's/\.{2,}/./g' -e '/\./p'
+ awk '($1 !~ /^#/) { if (NF>1) {print $2} else {print $1}}'

Can you run the command locally instead of over SSH?

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