Update function does not work

Hey, im from German and my English is not so good...

My Problem: The Update does not work..

Anyone can help me?

login as: root
root@'s password:
Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS (GNU/Linux 2.6.32-openvz-042stab123.3-amd64 x86_64)

  • Documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com/
    Last login: Sun Jul 9 23:52:43 2017 from dslb-178-000-244-150.178.000.pools.vodafone-ip.de
    root@srv46919:~# sudo pihole -up
    ::: Checking for updates...
    ::: Pi-hole Core: update available
    ::: FTL: up to date
    ::: Web Interface: up to date
    ::: Pi-hole core files out of date
    ::: Checking for existing repository...
    ::: Updating repo in /etc/.pihole... done!

      :cccclll:.      ..,,
       :ccccclll.   ;ooodc
        'ccll:;ll .oooodc
              .. ','.
     .........  ....  .........
     ..........      ..........
     ..........      ..........
     .........  ....  .........

::: You are root.
::: --unattended passed to install script, no whiptail dialogs will be displayed
::: Verifying free disk space...
::: Updating local cache of available packages... done!
::: Checking apt-get for upgraded packages.... done!
::: There are 11 updates available for your system!
::: We recommend you update your OS after installing Pi-hole!
::: Checking for apt-utils... installed!
::: Checking for dialog... installed!
::: Checking for debconf... installed!
::: Checking for dhcpcd5... installed!
::: Checking for git... installed!
::: Checking for iproute2... installed!
::: Checking for whiptail... installed!
::: --reconfigure passed to install script. Resetting changes to local repos
::: Resetting repo in /etc/.pihole... done!
::: Resetting repo in /var/www/html/admin... done!
::: Checking for bc... installed!
::: Checking for cron... installed!
::: Checking for curl... installed!
::: Checking for dnsmasq... installed!
::: Checking for dnsutils... installed!
::: Checking for iputils-ping... installed!
::: Checking for lsof... installed!
::: Checking for netcat... installed!
::: Checking for sudo... installed!
::: Checking for unzip... installed!
::: Checking for wget... installed!
::: Checking for lighttpd... installed!
::: Checking for php-common... installed!
::: Checking for php-cgi... added to install list!
Unable to complete update, contact Pi-hole



What is the output from apt update?

Wir haben auch eine (kleine) Gruppe in der Du Fragen auf Deutsch stellen kannst, wenn das helfen sollte:

Da es aber natürlich wesentlich weniger deutschsprachige, als englischsprachige Nutzer hier gibt, dauert es manchmal leider etwas länger dort eine Antwort zu erhalten.

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