Update fehler - ftl offline - dns server offline

Kann mein pihole nicht updaten.
FTL stoppt nach einigen stunden und müsste manuell neugestartet werden.

root@XXXXXX:~# pihole -up
[i] Checking for updates...
fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole.git/': Could not resolve host: github.com
[i] Pi-hole Core: up to date
fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/pi-hole/AdminLTE.git/': Could not resolve host: github.com
[i] Web Interface: up to date
[i] FTL: update available

[i] FTL out of date, it will be updated by the installer.

[✓] Root user check

     :cccclll:.      ..,,
      :ccccclll.   ;ooodc
       'ccll:;ll .oooodc
             .. ','.
    .........  ....  .........
    ..........      ..........
    ..........      ..........
    .........  ....  .........

[i] Existing PHP installation detected : PHP version 7.0.33-0+deb9u1
[i] Performing unattended setup, no whiptail dialogs will be displayed
[✓] Disk space check
[✓] Update local cache of available packages

[✓] Checking apt-get for upgraded packages... up to date!

[i] Installer Dependency checks...
[✓] Checking for apt-utils
[✓] Checking for dialog
[✓] Checking for debconf
[✓] Checking for dhcpcd5
[✓] Checking for git
[✓] Checking for iproute2
[✓] Checking for whiptail

[i] Performing reconfiguration, skipping download of local repos
[✓] Resetting repository within /etc/.pihole...
[✓] Resetting repository within /var/www/html/admin...
[i] Main Dependency checks...
[✓] Checking for cron
[✓] Checking for curl
[✓] Checking for dnsutils
[✓] Checking for iputils-ping
[✓] Checking for lsof
[✓] Checking for netcat
[✓] Checking for psmisc
[✓] Checking for sudo
[✓] Checking for unzip
[✓] Checking for wget
[✓] Checking for idn2
[✓] Checking for sqlite3
[✓] Checking for libcap2-bin
[✓] Checking for dns-root-data
[✓] Checking for resolvconf
[✓] Checking for libcap2
[✓] Checking for lighttpd
[✓] Checking for php7.0-common
[✓] Checking for php7.0-cgi
[✓] Checking for php7.0-sqlite3

[✓] Enabling lighttpd service to start on reboot...

[i] FTL Checks...

[✓] Detected x86_64 architecture
[i] Checking for existing FTL binary...
[✗] Downloading and Installing FTL
Error: Unable to get latest release location from GitHub
[✗] FTL Engine not installed

Unable to complete update, please contact Pi-hole Support



auf einem Rechner, welcher den Pi mit Pi-hole als DNS Server verwendet, kannst du darauf die beiden URLs


erfolgreich im Browser öffnen?

Ansonsten kannst du versuchen das Update über diesen Weg auszuführen:

  1. sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf
  2. in ändern
  3. Datei speichern
  4. pihole -up

Kann beide webseiten im browser öffnen.
Hab pihole neuinstalliert und antworte hier falls es nochmals auftritt.
