Update Error

Okay, try sudo git clone https://github.com/pi-hole/web.git /var/www/html/admin/ to get a local copy of the repository. You'll need to repair it again to make sure the permissions are correct after you have cloned it in.

If I try and go to the http://pi.hole I get an 404 not found error
but If I go to http://pi.hole/admin_bak or http://pi.hole/org_admin
I end up on the website. So these look like backups?

Not any ones we would have created.

Edit: Might be the speedtest ones that should have been restored on the speedtest mod removal process.

OK will try sudo git clone https://github.com/pi-hole/web.git /var/www/html/admin/

Ok this run with no errors. copying the folder back and then running the pihole -r
so this look like it has repair the version error

pi@PiHole-PiVPN:~ $ pihole -v
Pi-hole version is v5.17.3 (Latest: v5.17.3)
web version is v5.21 (Latest: v5.21)
FTL version is v5.25.1 (Latest: v5.25.1)
pi@PiHole-PiVPN:~ $

Have not tryed a pihole -up to see if this errors?

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