Unsupported OS - Raspbian 9?

Ran pihole -up; after going through the initial checks, I get:
[✗] Unsupported OS detected: Raspbian 9

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Debian 9 is no longer supported. It is past EOL:

Debian 9 (Stretch): EOL 2020-07-06, EOL LTS 2022-06-30

You can skip the OS check with the following:

PIHOLE_SKIP_OS_CHECK=true sudo -E pihole -up

You may also consider updating your OS to something currently supported by Debian and Raspbian (Bullseye, for example).



If this is the case may want to update supported OS's:

Bildschirmfoto zu 2022-07-08 00-30-30

Here is the current page of our documentation. Am I missing something?

lol. It was literally just removed!

For my part, and this is purely my ignorance, I didn't realize "Stretch" equated to non-supported. Clearly I have to learn my versions better! :slight_smile: In hindsight, I realize the first entry "formerly Raspbian" and "Buster/Bullseye" is where I should have gotten this, but I'm a bit of a fish out of water sometimes with the OS, so I missed it.

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An hour ago, and prior to my post of the link.

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This did motivate me to finally retire my venerable pi 3/raspian-stretch installation in favor of pi 4 and ubuntu.

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I am running RPi Zero W 512MB (original) with Raspbian 9 Stretch

I just got the same error.

[✗] Unsupported OS detected: Raspbian 9

I am still getting updates using

apt update

I guess I will try to upgrade to Debian 10 or 11.

I hope Raspberry Pi Zero W (original) is still supported

The OS is just past extended EOL. You may see an update from time to time, but that OS is essentially not supported.

Yes. It's not the platform we support, it's the OS running on the platform. A Zero W can run either Buster or Bullseye.

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