Unknown clients

**The issue I am facing: i have 24 clients Connected to my pi hole but i personally have only connected 3. Why do i have more client than what i have connected

If you have port 53 open on your router, your Pi-hole is exposed to the internet and you can have uninvited users.

How do i fix this doesnt the router need port 53 to functiin correctly?

The router needs port 53, but you don't have to (nor want to) open the port in the router.

Any outgoing traffic on port 53 can be answered with the port closed. Opening the port allows unsolicited traffic on port 53 to get into your LAN, and this is why the port should not be opened. It's not needed for your network or Pi-hole to function properly.

If run below one on the Pi-hole host and its replying with "open-resolver-detected",
you may unwillingly get involved with DDoS attacks against others:

dig +short @$(curl -s ifconfig.me) test.openresolver.com txt

You can read more about these attacks below:

Thank for the reply i ended up scraping the whole system i found i had zombies on the os

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